
HEALTHY GROCERY HAUL | meal ideas, cook with me + egg muffin recipe

Taking you grocery shopping with me! Grocery shop with me as I share my grocery list, what I eat to be healthy, and my grocery shopping favorites. I also share quick and healthy meal ideas from my grocery shopping. I usually budget my grocery list and it’s enough for me to meal prep multiple meals. I live in australia and shop at Woolworths supermarket, my average weekly grocery spend is $160AUD, then cook with me to make my breakfast egg muffin recipe.

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#whatieatinaweek #healthygroceryhaul #mealprep

hey everyone happy Easter I’ve just done
a big grocery shop and I thought I
haven’t done a bit of a grocery haul and
some meal ideas and a bit of updated
content around that in a little while so
I thought why not and then maybe we can
cook a couple of the recipes that I’m
thinking of making from everything that
I picked up so got a huge bag of fresh
produce and things here but I have to
say these are my favorite Easter
chocolates they’re the Humpty Dumpty
eggs but they’re a little bit different
this year first they’re smaller um but
also they’re filled with like M&M’s
minis size Smarties instead of the full
Smarties so slightly disappointed it’s
no longer red chulip chocolate either
cabri has obviously like bought the
brand but anyway it’s still my favorite
thing about Easter getting those eggs so
I was super happy when Jazz found them
for me but that is him messaging me now
actually cuz we have some plans but I am
just going to unpack all this and then
yeah we can get started on making a
couple of things for the week ahead so
first things first I got a big bunch of
celery which always makes me feel so
Elite like walking around the
supermarket with this giant leafy bunch
of celery sitting in my trolley makes me
feel so healthy when you look down and
you got all these vegetables there but
my plan for this is I usually buy um
this green juice you’ve probably seen me
have it on here a million times before
and it’s only $5 a bottle so it’s super
affordable but I actually just wanted to
do fresh plain celery juice myself so
little bit of a healthy low sugar option
and I just do it in my neutri bullet I
quite literally just chop up this whole
celery thing except for the leaves of
course and then um yeah I just put it
with a little bit of water in my Neutra
bullet and then I strain it out and you
get a bit of celery juice so you won get
heaps but you get enough so that’s kind
of the plan for that um another night
I’m going to make a chicken stir fres so
I got some broccoli and bok choy and
I’ve got a couple of other ingredients
for that as well um I have to say though
I don’t know again we’re all going
through this crazy cost of living
situation at the moment but even the bok
choy used to come with three pieces and
now it comes with two so that’s all
worse for you and I feel like this is
going to be one of the last times I do
my shop there I’m thinking of going back
to the markets which is what I always
used to do I would go to pran market or
South Melbourne Market on the weekends
and I also have an Aldi kind of near to
me and I don’t know if any of you are
Aldi shoppers but you’ll have to let me
know some of the good stuff to get there
because I’m thinking of just going down
to an Ali this week and having a look at
the prices of their things or just a
couple of ranges even if it’s like
frozen veg to make like fried rice and
things like that with any of those kind
of ingredients that might be a little
bit more affordable because yeah this is
getting a little bit annoying now um I
also got an iceberg lettuce because I
want to make some Garden salads this
week and I have a red capsicum cuz they
are my absolute favorite for putting
into salads and things as well I am
doing something a little bit different
for my breakfast this week normally I
just go with like granola and a bit of
dairyfree yogurt and some almond milk
and blueberries or that that kind of
thing or I’ll just do the classic on
toast with some chives but I wanted to
I’m so sorry that’s just eight messages
in a row you know the man loves me so
I’ve got uh egg cups that I want to make
so when we were in America last year we
went to Starbucks one morning and I
bought these little egg bite things that
they make there cuz I was just trying to
be like slightly healthy and nothing
else was open in this little town that
we were in so we ended up in there and I
got a little um I would say they kind of
remind of the Brey Burger things that
you egg and bacon McMuffin that’s the
one from macas but it was just a light
swiss cheese and a little Turkey Patty
and egg but they also have these little
egg bites so I’m going to try and do egg
bites or like little egg Savory kind of
muffins so I think I’ll make them with
you but I got some spinach to put in
those I also got some red onion and I
can use the leftover of that in the
um I what else did I get to put into
there I’m not sure but I did get some
avocados cuz they were only A1 each and
I’m going to chop those up and put them
with the egg cups when I make them in
the morning I also got a huge punet of
strawberries because W has the odd Bunch
strawberries and well they’ve got lemons
and everything I always get the odd
Bunch lemons as well because they’re a
lot cheaper than the normal ones so
lemons in my lemon water every single
day and strawberries just because I’m
craving them ever since going to the
Strawberry Farm down the Mornington
Peninsula with jazz the other day if you
live in Melbourne it is
end of strawberry season mid to end of
April I think so you still have like a
tiny window of time to get down there it
was called Rocky Creek I think and it
was so fun I think it’s $12 each and we
went out and picked a whole bunch of
strawberries you could literally fill a
pun it to the brim and you could eat
them while you were out in the field
picking as well it was super cool
experience I absolutely loved it I also
got about 150 g of bacon bits to put
into the Savory muffins I don’t put them
directly in there and let them cook in
the oven I cooked them a bit in the fry
pan first and then I put them in there
um I got a cucumber for the salads and
stuff as well I also got three of these
but I don’t know how to find them I’ll
TR I’ll get them out in a second um I
also just got some Chobani Greek yogurt
because Jaz likes to eat these and every
now and then I will try and tolerate a
spoonful of the light yogurt just to
sort of get some probiotics because
obviously being lactose intolerant and
Dairy free I can take vaces tablets and
have that stuff but I just worry that
I’m not getting certain probiotics so
that is actually I have something to
you I’ve been on a bit of a gut health
Mission lately and I do think it’s why
my stomach has been a lot flatter and my
digestion has been better and my skin
and everything has been better so
thought I would slightly bring you along
that Journey with me if you have been
wanting to do some gut health stuff but
not have it like consume your entire
life or change your routine too much and
these are the two easiest ways that I’ve
paying attention to SL fixing my gut
health so this is the first one it’s
this brand you’ve probably all heard of
this before it’s jevity um I think
anyway yeah like longevity longevity I
used to say longevity I don’t know why
it was really bad habit that I picked up
and Jazz corrected me and was like it’s
longevity so I always stumble over that
one word which is very frustrating but
it’s called the bone broth body glue the
one I got is lemon and herbs but this
actually has a bit of a kick to it so
that’s what it looks like just bought it
at a local health food store I think it
was maybe like $26 so it’s not the
cheapest thing in the world but you only
need a heap teaspoon so it’s got 39 cups
in here and I’m making it my mission to
actually use that every day and get
through it so I will make myself a cup
of that after this and the other thing
is kimchi or S Kraut whatever you want
to get but I’m trying this one this time
it is K’s brand and it’s the beetro
sourkraut so it’s probiotic wild
fermented Whole Food raw vegan
gluten-free sugar-free all of the stuff
free and I just put this in with um well
I put it with like Avo toast if I do
breakfast or I will mix it in with my
rice so I’m going to be doing salmon
broccolini rice and then I get a bit of
that kimchi and I mix it all into the
rice and it tastes really nice it’s a
good way to kind of get it in instead of
just like I don’t know eating a plain
spoonful of it and I have found truly
that is really really helping me because
I used to get a lot of crazy bloating
especially if things have traces of
dairy in it it just really messes with
my stomach so I think that is a really
good way to heal and especially if you
come from a background like having a
chronic illness which a lot of you might
have found my channel through then you
would know that I’ve really struggled
with taking a ton of medication a few
years back when I was really really
unwell so I think if you’ve ever been
through anything like that or you’re
currently dealing with something that
fixing your gut health will help you
feel a lot better as well and can kind
of potentially
Aid with your recovery so that’s that I
still don’t know where the third one of
these are but I just bought some of
these little oat sliced bars I actually
really like these and sometimes for
breakfast I’ll just have one of these a
banana and a poached egg and that is
kind of maybe sitting around 400
calories or 450 for the lot and then a
coffee of course and that is a really
good breakfast fits into my macros and I
just really like those I think they’re
really tasty as a bit of a breakfast on
the go if I’ve got brush out the door to
a meeting so of course I did get a bunch
of bananas as well I’ve sort of given up
on making smoothies at the moment
because frankly I just got sick of them
and I don’t really want to have too many
things that are powders I think we kind
of get into that culture a little bit of
having like protein powders and marcha
powder and all of this stuff and then
before you realize it you’ve literally
replaced a balls you know what I mean
like all of that stuff that’s just
powdered and it’s not actually real
whole food so that’s why I wanted to
show you this this haul because I feel
like I’m focusing more on like actual
food and not anything that’s kind of
coming out of a packet so I’ve also got
the broccolini which is for
the dinner that I just said with the
salmon I got some pumpkin soup because I
cannot be bothered making it I have a
very busy week and it is a short 4-day
week so this brand you guys know that I
love it’s heart and soul so this is a
creamy coconut and pumpkin soup with a
tie twist so that sounded really nice
and I already have some some rye bread
in the freezer from last week I didn’t
let it go off for once I chopped it all
up and I popped it into the freezer so
that saved me needing to buy any this
time around I also bought diced salmon
instead of salmon fillets I know I could
quite literally dice salmon fillets
myself but it cost you exactly the same
so I bought it diced because that’s kind
of how I like to cook it up I feel like
it sort of gets coated in the spices and
things a little bit more and tastes
really yummy I also got some pistachios
just to snack on CU I really like those
and I got some cashews which are just
dry roasted not salted to put into the
stir fry um for jazzz this can be for
the men in your life or even you if you
are struggling to find some good high
protein snacks I got these baby Bell
cheeses but they’re the ones in the
black colored wrapper and they’re high
protein ones so I just always buy those
every week cuz if he’s ever here he’ll
just grab one and have a snack on it
while I’m preparing dinner or something
I also got some stir fry chicken which
is great for the stir fry I’ve got
beager lactose free shredded cheese and
that’s what I’m going to be using for
the egg cups but also just anything that
I want to put cheese on even if I want
to sprinkle in my salad I always use
this lactose free one I got some
mushrooms and these I think I will also
cut up and put into those egg cups cuz I
just want to make really full of Veggie
kind of savory egg bites I also got some
white basmati rice I was buying whole
grains but again on the note of the gut
health thing I always bought the purple
packet one which is the whole grain rice
but then everything I was reading online
was saying white rice is better for gut
health than whole grain and I’m like I
don’t know go figure if you know any
better let me know but apparently that’s
what the go is and then I also got some
caca nibs cuz I will usually mix those
in with that light yogurt if I ever want
to have that as a bit of a dessert um to
make the egg cups I got two different
kinds of eggs so I’ve got from Sunny
Queen Farms the 100% egg whites and then
I’ve got this one which is the scrambled
egg mix so if I want to have more fats
in it I can use the actual eggs or if I
want it to be a bit lighter I can use
these egg white ones so I just bought
both because I live in a pretty
Millennial kind of area and a lot of
people buy those things and you can just
never get them in stock so whenever I
see them I just grab them I also got the
these natural cognac noodles from slenda
which are keto low carb and low calorie
and that’s what I’m going to put into
the stir fry I hope and think they’re
also glutenfree yeah they are they’re
gluten-free as well thank God cuz
sometimes when I’ve been shopping for
things like noodles I sort of forget and
because Jaz is completely gluten-free
now I need to find options that are
dairyfree for me and gluten-free for him
and they don’t always go hand inand so
that’s just one thing to consider oh
this is the other oat slice so there’s
um AR and apricot fruit and nut and a
yogurt almond and apricot I also got two
carrots for my salads I think I can’t
quite remember what I bought those for
and then this brand called simply
wholesome Pantry Asian stir fry sauce
which I’m going to use for the stir fry
very clean ingredients and that one was
just from the health food aisle then I
got a beef rump steak because just one
night when I’m going to be having dinner
by myself I thought I would have that
and then the last two things in here is
just my favorite brand of almond milk so
I get one Barista for making coffees at
home and one regular organic unsweetened
almond milk cuz that’s just how I prefer
to have it but I know you can get
different degrees of like sweetening and
stuff if that’s kind of what you prefer
but this is just the way that I kind of
try and keep everything as clean as
possible but let’s clear all of this off
the bench and then we can make the egg
cups together it’s just started raining
outside so it’s definitely the perfect
day to be in here cooking up some food
I’ve just chopped up all the ingredients
so I’ll show you everything I’ve got
while the oven has been preheating I’ve
set it to 200° C just on fan forced I’ve
popped all my ingredients here so I’ve
got some chili flakes and parsley flakes
salt and pepper these are the bacon bits
I think I got about 120 g so I’m going
to pan fry those dairy free cheese a
little bit of tomatoes I know that these
are acidic however I’ve gotten my
bladder to a point where I can tolerate
just a tiny bit so because this will be
spread out about over 12 cups I’ll
barely be eating any I’ve also got some
spinach which I’ve finally chopped I’ve
got some red onion mushroom chives and
the egg whites and then I’ve just got a
silicon tray and then another metal tray
I just pop some baking paper in the
bottom cuz that’s a little bit of an
older tray but that is everything I’ve
got all ready to go so I’m just going to
fry the bacon and then I can mix all of
this into a bowl and start spooning it
into the
this is the egg cup mixture now so I’ve
just got to pop in this whole carton of
the egg whites and I’ll be good to
I didn’t end up needing the second tray
I’ve actually just popped them all into
this larger tray so it ended up making
six large egg cups in total and that’ll
be really good I think because I’ll
probably just have two a day for
breakfast with a little bit of sliced
avocado and probably add a little bit
more salt on top so let’s slide those
into the oven now and I will show you
what I get when they come out all done
this is what we’ve ended up with I just
took them out of the oven now so like I
said I got six egg cups and this is how
they turned out so I think they look
really good I super excited to have
these all meal prepped for the week
ahead and that is everything so I will
see you guys in the next video bye