
What I Eat For Lean Vegan Muscle | Healthy & Delicious Meals

Hang out with me for the day while I show you what I eat while bulking in the winter! I also have a workout with Crystal and get out for a quick hike in the snow.

Let me know what you thought of the food and day in the comments below!


Easy Vegan Comfort Meals


Easy Vegan Meal Planner



0:00 Intro
0:52 Pre Workout Beet Root Juice
1:29 The Best Vegan Pre Workout
3:29 Workout With Crystal
4:37 How To Make A Vegan BLT
6:42 A Quick Lunch
8:49 Going For a Snowy Hike With Crystal
10:03 How To Take Time Lapse Photo On iPhone
11:38 Instant Pot Chickpea Rice Soup



Derek Simnett
PO Box 413 Parksville
Parksville, BC, Canada V9P2G5


I’m Derek Simnett, a Certified Nutritional Practitioner.
I love calisthenics and making good food!
Check out my 2 year transformation:

#cooking #veganrecipes #veganfood

Hey everyone welcome back to another full day of eating I’m Derek from simet nutrition and before we get started with this video I just want to thank all the new subscribers and welcome you to the channel because we’ve had more in the last month than I’ve had in a long time

So that’s pretty exciting uh so with these videos what I do is I just show you what I eat in a day to kind of give you an insight into what it looks like to be a healthy vegan who also likes to lift build muscle but enjoy their food

At the same time so I find it just kind of puts everything into context you know I like to do oneoff recipe video but a lot of the time with those videos they’re kind of you know complicated recipes or stuff that I just don’t eat

On a daily basis so this lets me show you exactly what I eat on a regular day first in the morning I always like to start with some lemon water warm lemon water always makes me feel my best helps me drink a bunch of water in the morning

So that’s what I did this morning and then now I am on to the beetroot juice so I don’t juice the beets myself I actually buy these beetroot crystals beetroot cryst crystals are nice because they’re made differently than beetroot powder beetroot powder tastes like really earthy and it makes your water

Kind of like thick because it still has the fiber and everything in there beetroot crystals is actually the dehydrated beetroot juice so it’s nice and concentrated and what this does is just helps to oxygenate your blood and just makes you like perform better gives you really good endurance gives you

Really good pumps in the gym you got to have it about 45 minutes to an hour before you work out so that’s why I’m having this right now all right so we just rolled up to the gym and I’m having some more pre- workout but this is a

Caffeinated one this one really kicks you in the butt and gets you moving for the workout so this is by veg nutrition and this is actually their new Apple and pear flavor it is unreleased I got a little you know pre-released tester and it is unbelievable like my favorite

Flavor of theirs by far it used to be Peach but now it’s this one it’s going to be out soon I think next week Wednesday or something like that it’s so good God dang so we’ve got Crystal with us you guys know her my girlfriend ooh it tastes like apple

Candy like a but not sour apple candy no oh it’s so good it is so good so refreshing so fresh I know I’m not usually a fan of pre-workouts but that is really nice nice be like a nice drink to just have not if if it didn’t get you

Like jacked up though you know but yeah this is a good pre-workout it gets you like hyped in the mood to work out lots of energy but you don’t get that crack afterwards which is really nice all right so I’m going to get the rest of

This in me and head in Smash that workout oh my gosh really you have these are my GM shoes well okay so we need to have like specific days that we each wear these shoes did you bring these ones too yes so now we’re going to match

So what happened was crystal wanted some new gym shoes and uh she’d been checking these out they’re called LMS they’re actually really sick they’re zero drop they got a bit of padding and they’re nice and wide so that your foot can like splay and a whole bunch of reasons why

She liked these anyways she bought a size that turned out to be a tiny bit big for but she just kept wearing them and then later on decided that it was too big so then we couldn’t return them anymore so she got a smaller size and then guess who inherited these ones so

They are like a unisex shoe so it’s not like that bad but I don’t it’s kind of embarrassing wearing the same shoes as your girlfriend at the gym trying to look tough here can you stop please all all right so lately I’ve been into wearing a pump

Cover it’s like an oversized shirt that kind of makes you look like you don’t really lift people can’t really see your physique and then once you get a pump and you take it off and it’s like boom who is this guy who is this Guy So I bet you guys weren’t expecting me to go from tricep kickbacks to the gritty right there I don’t think anyone was expecting that all right I’m hungry let’s go home get some food all right so back from the workout and time to make some food I’m

Going to have a couple of vegan versions of a BLT so these are going to be like a TLT tofu lettuce and tomato and I’ve already got some smoked Sriracha flavored tofu satang on the stove and then I’m going to be having it on two of these sprouted whole grain every thing

Bagels so I’m definitely going to be having two today because you know it’s bulking season and uh you know got to get in the calories if you want to grow so I’m just going to start with a little mustard and then of course some nice crispy lettuce tomato and I was

Lucky enough to find these beautiful heirloom tomatoes the grocery store so these are going to add a bunch of flavor to this and then that tofu oh my God forget those tongs and then on the other side here instead of like some mayonnaise or something like that just

Some avocado couple slices of red onion and then I think I’m just going to finish it off with some Sprouts M wow that is so freaking good man not much to say about it is the perfect sandwich so I’m not really want to track my calories I just kind of know

Instinctively or intuitively how much I need to eat when I’m trying to gain weight and gain muscle and then you know how to cut back on the calories that I’m eating but really quickly let’s just like tabulate this super fast okay so each bagel’s 210 calories so that’s 420

For both 140 calories and a half a package of the smoked tofu so that’s so that’s 560 calories and then I think in a half an avocado is about 100 so 700 calories I would say and then how much protein in two Bagels there’s 18 g

Of protein and then in half a package of this is 15 so that is 33 you know a little bit more in the avocado and the rest of the food there so probably 35 g of protein or so so not too bad all right so I’m going to Wolf this down and

Get on with my day I’ve got some work to do and then yeah probably meet you back here in the kitchen make some more food and just keep the day going let’s do this all right so it’s a little bit later in the day now obviously I mean

That’s Dum that’s how time works I’m going to make a little bit of lunch and I’m going to have a couple different things so one of the things that I’m going to have is some sliced apple and some peanut butter this has been one of my favorite combos since I was a little

Kid if you guys have never tried it definitely try it because it is incredible and then since that’s like just mostly carbs and fat not a lot of protein in I’m actually going to make a quick little smoothie as well just a really simple one frozen strawberries

One pitted mle date some flax seed some creatine vanilla protein powder and some water I’m lucky enough to be an ambassador for veg nutrition which means I have an affiliate link and a discount code in the description box down below they’re actually offering 15% off now

When you use my discount code Derek 15 on any of their products this protein powder is got to be the best vegan protein powder on the market it’s so smooth you can mix it up in just water it’s all Heavy Metal tested vegan non-GMO glutenfree organic all that good

Stuff that you want it to be wow tastes like a strawberry milkshake so good yo quick tip for taking pills I know a lot of people don’t know this they want to put their head back when they take pills to make it easier to swallow but it

Actually like closes your throat up if you put your head down and swallow it makes it so much easier anyways I don’t really struggle with it but I know a lot of people people do so I think Crystal and I actually going to go out for a walk and enjoy

Some of the snow that we recently got it’s so beautiful out there right now um so while I’m enjoying my lunch I’m going to get some stuff going in the instant pot so that it’s already ready when we get home and I don’t have to do any more

Cooking I don’t know if you guys have an instant pot but they are amazing like it’s just so cool that you can do this and get stuff cooking while you’re gone you don’t have to worry about it burning or you know burning the house down to or like overcooking or anything like that

And it makes the food so good so I’m actually just using the sauté option on here right now just to sauté some veggies first and then I’m going to throw everything in there and pressure cook it and I’ll show you guys exactly what I do with all this when I get

Back all right you ready I’m ready you got your boots new boot go well they’re not new boots but they are your boots they’re actually so old they’ve lasted so long thank you for letting me borrow them all right so we’re going to check out these Falls that are pretty close to

Our house I love getting out in the winter Crystal not so much it’s a little cold for you e I’m not a winter baby a b spring and summer girl yeah well I love the heat too I don’t know I just love it all I love how like in the

Winter it just looks so different out here I mean obviously cuz there’s snow but I do I you know what I love I love the snow I just don’t really like being in the snow I like watching it from inside when you’re warm oh it’s beautiful how do you not want to come

Out and see this look at This man it’s so nice out here so I was out yesterday and it had just snowed and there was like so much snow on the trees and everything and I took a couple really cool pictures and I posted them to my Instagram stories and people loved

The picture that I took so check it out it’s like a long exposure shot and I actually took this on the iPhone and it’s really not that hard to take so here I’ll actually show you guys how to take one it’s a pretty cool little hack to know cuz long exposure shots

Especially a waterfalls are so beautiful so you want to make sure that your live camera is on and then just get it centered however you want take the shot and then review the picture and then you want to go up to the top corner here where it says live

Hit that and then you can click long exposure and check this out boom isn’t that awesome I love these pictures they’re so beautiful anyways just a little hack I thought I’d share with you guys all right should we walk a little bit let’s Go can you feel me I want to do a big slide across here it’s pretty sick it’s like my coolest Move see if you can’t hit that tree with the snowball that one right there yeah that was actually pretty good it’s all about the wind up I thought it was the follow through that’s a nice snowball okay okay all right so we’re home from the adventure and it looks like the instant

Pot meal cooked up perfectly it looks delicious so it’s kind of like a really thick soup and that is definitely what I was going for here you go thank you very much yeah it turned out well it’s going to be hot blow on it first it’s so hot how do you do that

It’s not that hot there steam coming out of your mouth it’s really good it’s uh yeah there’s a lot of different flavors in there makes sense cuz I put a lot of spices in it what does it taste like to you chickpea rice soup nice no it has like the flavors it’s

Just really comforting it’s like a very comforting soup how’ you make it yes oh well I’m glad you asked I started by chopping and sautéing two large carrots half an onion three sticks of celery and three cloves of garlic then once those softened up I added 1 cup of brown rice

One cup of split peas both of those were rinsed and then I added a can of drained chickpeas and then I just went into the cupboard and pulled out a whole bunch of spices this is one of those recipes where I just grabbed like a whole bunch

Of different things that I thought would go together so onion powder garlic powder cumin dried rosemary paprika coriander and I wanted to use some fresh dill but we didn’t have any so I used this Trader Joe’s dill pickle seasoning some of this organic no salt seasoning

Some liquid smoke and then I added some better than Buon and miso to water and I put that in there added some extra water and then just set it to 12 minutes on high pressure so that’s it oh where’d you go I guess you got bored that’s a

Lot of stuff I don’t blame her and I’m going to be having with just a nice big Fresh Garden salad and then a couple of these corn tortillas that I saute in a frying pan and then on the salad I’m just going to have some of this pourable

Tahini and then this like cranberry pear white balsamic vinegar it must be some sort of reduction because it’s like really nice and thick it’s so sweet and it’s got yeah just a bit of vinegar kind of Tang to it it’s so good this combo is deadly all right so I think that’s

Probably the end of this video I’m going to sit down and enjoy this dinner with Crystal and hope you guys enjoyed watching it today hope you guys got some recipe ideas I know I don’t make like full-on recipes in these videos but this is how I eat I don’t usually measure

Stuff like I do with my recipe videos I also don’t count my calories or my macros or anything like that you know I just eat a good amount of food try to get a good amount of protein in as well and just make sure that most of it is

Like Whole Foods and always plant-based as you guys know so anyways thank you for watching hit the like button if you enjoyed the day thank you for hanging out with me subscribe that you can see more and let me know in the comments down below what you thought of the video see you

Soon here’s some other videos of mine that I think you might like and if you’re looking for some delicious and Healy plant-based recipes check out my new recipe ebook easy vegan Comfort meals it contains over 60 plant-based recipes lots of delicious sauces that I know you’re going to love thanks for

Watching and thanks for the support