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Pollo loco: https://theskinnyishdish.com/pollo-loco-mexican-chicken-and-rice-with-queso/

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Before we head out to school this morning I’m going to share my favorite way I’ve been making a latte which is a little different than before it’s so yummy I feel like I’ve like perfected it all right I’m going to do a little bit of this white chocolate syrup this is um

In my opinion this is the superior one over that one so I’m going to do a little bit of this in the bottom and then we’re going to do a double espresso pod I often get asked which espresso pods are my my favorite I really like the scuro pods and then for

Like a single espresso I typically buy the altissio pods um this is a darker espresso which I prefer because it’s only you know it’s two shots of espresso so I prefer it to be a little stronger with all the milk that I use so many of y’all gave me such a good

Response with my last what I eat in a video what I eat in Day video last week that I wanted to share another one today it’s going to be a busy day for us we are getting ready for birthday stuff tomorrow for one of the kiddos um going

To let that Brew up I’m going to finish getting myself ready maybe later today or might just stay like this but getting ready to head out to school but if you’re new here I’m Haley I follow the Weight Watchers program and um I am a couple weeks post loss of our last baby

Trying to get just get back into the swing of it and um get back into my normal like routine with how I normally eat I get 23 points a day on Weight Watchers and I’m going to share today everything that I’m eating and bring you

On for my day I do not count my coffee in the morning I know I’ve shared that many many times it’s just something I do I prefer um so I do a fat-free milk I prefer the fair life because it’s it’s lactose free and I feel like it’s a

Little um gentler on my stomach if I drink a lot of like Dairy I feel like it’s not good on my stomach and I think it’s the lactose so this this is what I normally buy for my coffees all right and then I just add a little bitty

Splash of creamer so I’ve got just this caramel maiato one right now just a tiny little splash in there and then add some ice and it’s such a good latte it’s so yummy all right going to finish getting the kiddos ready but it’s so good so creamy with that

Little splash of the extra creamer I actually prefer this over adding my sugar-free caramel syrup in it um such a good combination all right it is a little bit later I’m getting ready to take Millie to school so I’ve got about 15 minutes before I have to do

That so I’m going to make a super quick easy breakfast because we’re going to run to Walmart afterwards going to get stuff so going to help me help me okay so I’m going to do two eggs I’m going to fry them in a pan um I’m kind of gotten

Tired of my hash brown egg cottage cheese bowls those keep me a lot Fuller than this but this is what I’ve been doing this week so I’m taking two slices of this 45 calorie Sly bread you want to put this in there for me two slices is two

Points go ahead and stick those in but don’t push it down cuz I got to get my eggs started Okay add a little bit of olive oil to My Pan b day today they’re having bike and scooter day at Millie school I’m going to bring my SC sco scooter all right I’m

Going to do two eggs little salt yeah you can press those down thank you C we’re going to salt and peer those and let those cook up all right bread is nice and toasted I’m going to take about a tablespoon of the helman’s light mayo a tablespoon of this is one

Point and then once my eggs are done I’ll add those so I do two eggs just for extra protein fill me up a little more um and then of course like a meat would be good as well but eggs are zero points so it’s just stick to that okay it won’t

Take long okay we have to walk to the gym to drop your scooter off okay do you think you could show me where that is 3 point egg sandwich for breakfast all right I’m going to go scarf this down real quick so we can head to preschool

I’ve also got my Stanley filled I’m going to drink three of these so it goes almost a gallon been doing really good with my water this week so I’m going to plan to get three of these I’m just barely on my first one so I’ve got to

Get to that so yummy threo easy breakfast sandwich I feel like breakfasts are always boring I always eat something to do with eggs eggs and toast something to do with eggs so I feel like they’re all they’re never like very interesting but um it’s just practical things and so this is what I’m

Doing this week I decided to get myself ready for the day I wasn’t going to but makes me feel better when I do but it’s always so nice also to have makeup free day so I was going to do that today but filmed a little get ready with me on

Instagram that I’m going to post sometime today all right I’m going to make some lunch so I was actually supposed to get a a factor box this week but it’s actually coming next week so I wish I would have meal prep this week but I didn’t so I’m going to meal prep

For today excuse me for today and tomorrow um making sure that I have set myself up for the next couple days um so I grabbed a couple things from Walmart to cook and so I grabbed some chicken I grabbed some potatoes and I had green beans here I typically like to meal prep

Something like this for the whole week because it’s a little timec consuming but I’m getting it started a little early so it should be good by lunchtime so let’s make a lowo lunch for the rest of the week all right I’m just going to make two days worth here so I got this

Chicken because I need this for dinner tonight and I was actually going to do a rotisserie chicken and they didn’t have any out early this morning sorry they didn’t have any out early this morning so I was like I’m going to grab a bigger pack of chicken and I’ll have it for my

Lunch and then I’ll also have it for our dinner tonight so I’m going to save the rest to go with dinner and then I’m going to take my chicken I’m going to put it between this and I’m going to pound it out to make it a little bit thinner cuz it is pretty

Thick take this P it out I’m going to cook this on the stove top um I was going to bake it in the oven but all right that’s a little better and then I’m going to season it we’re going to do garlic Powder you can’t get down okay I’ll help you onion powder let me get this real quick paprika this is what I’m going to do for my potatoes too I’m going to flip it and the other side after try to wash my hands all right we’re just

Going to do the same thing to the other side garlic powder onion powder and paprika I actually was doing this have y’all seen the viral juicy chicken 101 I thought that’s what I while I was using the seasonings but I remember I think I’m missing lemon pepper so I

Think one of those are not supposed to go maybe the paprika so I need lemon pepper because it is so good here it is see if I can do this without touching my chicken hand all right I’m going to do a little bit of lemon pepper on here as

Well all right now I’m going to let my pan heat up while my chicken’s going I cut up some potatoes and I’m just going to spray these so we’re going to air fry them M you want what yeah I’m going to cook those you like those all right garlic

Powder this is my favorite way to make like breakfast potatoes but I’m making them like this for paprika and onion powder all right I’m going to put these in the air frer like I said this is just for two days put them in the air fryer I’m going to air fry these

While my chicken’s going and let’s put on my favorite way well one of my favorite ways cuz I love parmesan green beans but one of my favorite ways to make green beans all right I’ve got my chicken going all right so I’ve got two cans of

Green beans I really just needed to do one I just thought of that I’m only doing two days worth so it be okay um okay so I drained one can left the juice in the other I’m going to add garlic powder all right we’re going to add a

Little splash of wacher sauce little splash of soy sauce I can’t do this onehanded we’re going to add lots of pepper in there all right we’re going to give all this a stir all right I’m going to turn this down we’re going to cook this while everything else Cooks all

Right just got it plated the chicken is so tender I feel like I cooked it like the perfect amount of time not overcooked or anything all right I’m going to do excuse you I’m going to do a little bit of this sugarfree jees you get a lot of this for one point

So do a good serving of that chicken is zero I use barely any oil for it I’d say two for the potatoes one for this so a threo lunch and it looks so good and so filling also I’m on my second water I just got this

Filled up it is a little while later lat lunch was so good hi Millie’s over here eating a cookie I’m going to make an afternoon snack this will hold me over till dinner I’m about done with my wherever it is I had my water I don’t know what I done

With it my second water getting ready to fill up a third one for the day but um lunch was delicious I could eat that all the time just like give me a chicken potato and veggie and I’m good it’s it would be that exact meal would be really

Good on like a one pan sheet pan just like use fresh green beans it would be so good I’m going to make a little snack little after snack I’m going to take some apples my already cut up apples are the best thing ever take some of those all right I’m

Going to measure this out I have some sugarfree caramel syrup I’m going to measure 17 gram of this cuz that’s up to 17 G is 1 point oh that’s exactly 17 G next I’m going to take a couple points worth of turkey pepperoni I’m going to add couple points Worth to my

Bowl and then I’m going to do some more of this this is I love this cheese this cabbit 75 light 75 cheese and I’m going to add about an oz to my turkey pepperonis and I love this as a snack peoni and cheese is so good

So I’m going to cut off about an oz all right we’ve got a point for the caramel syrup two for the pepperoni and one for the cheese I’m going to go enjoy this and this will be my afternoon snack before dinner later okay it is about

5:00 I’m going to start our dinner so I’m going to start heating up a couple teaspoons of olive oil into my pan one two okay several weeks ago it is a couple months ago at least I made poo Loco and I’ll share the recipe below so y’all can

You know you can go to her website cuz I didn’t come up with this and if you saw that video it was a fail because it was totally my fault as to why it was a fail I actually done something wrong in the cooking process and it turned out burnt

So we’re redoing it today and I also got new cookware which is going to make a difference it’s going to turn out great this time I know it so let’s start the chicken all right I’m going to let my oil heat up well we cut up about a pound

And a half of chicken so I’m going to get the last little bit of this and I’m going to take this we’re going to putut this into bite-sized pieces I’m so excited for this because I haven’t made it since my fail last time and I know

It’s going to be so good the reviews on it are so great and last time like I said it was like we like kind of ate it still but it was pretty burnt and so I know it’s going to have a better taste to it hey bud I’m cutting up some chicken little

Baby you have a little baby cool what’s her name baby baby okay hold on just a second don’t put her on my chicken okay all right I got all my chicken I’m going to take a little bit of this Goya adobo seasoning and I’m going to sprinkle this all around you’re

Going to need about a teaspoon I might have just over did it but all right we’re going to let this cook and then in about 3 minutes we’re going to kind of turn it over and let it cook on the other side all right this going going about 3 minutes I’m going

To stir this around I was going to say flip it over but we’re going to stir it around and then just keep cooking this until the chicken is cooked through so I’d say the chicken is most of the way Cooks through but this is going to continue cooking for quite some time I’m

Going to take one package of this vgo yellow rice this is a 10 oz package I’m going to add the whole container to that and then to that we’re going to add 2 and 1/2 cups of water all right so this going to stir I’m

Going to bring this to a boil for 1 minute and then we’re going to cut it down and let it simmer for a while all right it’s been boiling for a minute I’m going to cut this down to a simmer I’m stir it one more

Time and then I’m going to pop a lid on we’re going to cook this for 20 Minutes so let me start my tumer and then one tip she had because a lot of people said that the rice was like crunchy if you have a hole in your pot she said cover it with well if I can get in there with a little like piece of tin

Full so I’m going to do that to make sure my rice is cooked so we’re going to let this cook for 20 minutes and then add a couple more things to it all right we’re going to see how this is looking let’s take the lid off and see how it’s

Looking okay it’s looking good much looking way better than last time let bring you a little closer okay way better than last time time it is looking so good okay so now what we’re going to do we’re going to take this is just the Gordo brand cheese

Dip it says 3 oz I’m just going to do a pretty big spoonful of it couple spoonfuls and then a couple teaspoon or tablespoons of milk so one two all right and we’re going to give this all a stir okay this is looking so good and

Points wise on this it is eight points for a one and 1/2 cups which is a pretty good serving so I think that’s plenty of cheese stiff it looks creamy it looks good and to go with it I’ve actually got a can of black beans a couple of my

Kiddos really like black beans so I thought I would have some to go with it and then everybody else we’ll use the rest of the cheese dip we’ve got tortilla chips I’m actually making a couple um a couple quesadillas for the kiddos who wants a quesadilla all right

My lighting’s getting bad cuz it’s getting pretty dark outside so I’m going to go ahead and give this a try making getting everything else ready before it gets too dark let’s give this a try now so much better than last time very good two thumbs

Up last time like I said it was like burnt cuz I made an error in cooking but this is like Perfect all right so I did measure it out it’s a really good servant and I put a little bit of black beans with it so highly recommend this

It is such a good dinner so this is my dinner for tonight brought out some lighting so I can end out this video without it so dark dinner was so good highly recommend doing that recipe and I was even thinking to like bulk it up a

Little more um like Grill up or like sauté and mushrooms and onions so yummy I would love that um but with my dinner I drink a poppy those are so good they’re one point I drink all my water for the day my third and third one is

Done so I pulled out a poppy to go with my dinner I really like the orange ones and the strawberry lemon ones and I like the cherry limeade ones too um but the strawberry lemon are really good I really like these as well but I you can

Get them at Sam’s CL you can get the bulk pack it has those three flavors in it and they’re really good so drank that and then to end out my night I picked these up at the grocery store yesterday I’ve had these before I really like the these but with peanut butter ice

Cream in the middle but my grocery store stopped carrying those so long ago and I can’t find them anywhere so they are so good if y’all um ever see those in your grocery store but these ones are good too these are just the vanilla bean ones they’re Five Points each and and they’re

Great so I picked these up I hadn’t bought these in a while so that’s going to end out my night so I hope yall enjoyed come along for my day and what I eat today I know I got such a good response in last week’s video so I

Thought I’d bring you on for my day and what I ate again leave me a comment below and I’ll see you guys soon for another video Bye