
Time-Saving and Tasty Healthy Recipe That Fits Your Busy Schedule! (Only Takes 5 Minutes!)

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Hi! Welcome to my Healthy Hunnies family.
My name is Healthy Emmie. I’ve been featured in Forbes, HuffPost, PopSugar, and more as the go-to nutritionist for plant-based weight loss. I’ve personally coached thousands of people. Combining the teachings of Dr. John McDougall’s Starch Solution, Dr. Joel Furhman’s Nutritarian Eat To Live Diet, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, Dr. Doug Lisle, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Michael Greger and more… I’ve trademarked my Slim on Starch® system for weight loss and weight maintenance. I’ve received my certificate through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition which qualifies me to coach individuals. Each client in my Slim on Starch program works with me, as well as my carefully selected team of nutrition coaches who are registered dietitians in their personal practices. Each client also works with a carefully selected team of mindset coaches, whose personal practices stretch from therapists, trauma specialists, addiction specialists, psychologists, health coaches, doctors, personal trainers, and more. If you’re interested in working with me and my team, please visit https://healthyemmie.org/coaching. I look forward to helping you change your life. You deserve health and happiness.

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if you live life on the go and you need something quick and easy to throw together that is still healthy I’ve got you [Music] covered hello my Honeys my name is healthy Emmy I’m a nutritionist a weight loss specialist and the creator of the slimon starge program remember Rachel Ray’s 30 minute meals healthy emy’s 5 minute meals that’s what we’re doing today today I’m celebrating the launch of my new healthy on the go cookbook so this is designed for people that like you and me we’re busy we got things to do but we don’t want to compromise our health because of it remember the tree that receives no water and no sunlight cannot bear fruit for others you cannot pour from an empty cup so it is imperative that you learn how to make your busy lifestyle and your healthy lifestyle mend into one and the way that we do that is through meals like these this meal in particular is from my 5 minute meals cat atory in the healthy on the-go cookbook so the healthy on Theo cookbook has a section for snacks that can be at room temperature that you can throw in your purse meals that you can bring in your lunchbox and then the 5 minute meals so I’m going to be showing you one of the 5 Minute Meals today and we’re going to make it together while doing this because it takes 5 minutes is an overstatement this is going to take me less than 60 seconds to make so while I do it I’m going to be walking you through five tips if you are an on thee-o kind of healthy honey here are five tips that you can Implement to make sure that your healthy lifestyle isn’t sacrificed so I’m going to take a large mixing bowl and this is one mango that has been diced and I’m just going to throw this in it is mango season baby tip number one is to press pause I know that we have go go go Lifestyles and sometimes it feels like we cannot pause we have to keep going but that is a recipe for Burnout and I’ll tell you something when I was learning about longdistance running and marathon training Etc if you are dead tired you’re actually better off stopping and walking than you are trying to keep running you’ll get more tired and you’ll get a slower time in the end you’re better off pausing so when you’re out and the hustle and bustle is happening don’t fall into the Trap of thinking if I slow down then that means everything else is going to slow down everyone else is going to slow slow down and everything else is going to fall apart what I want you to do instead is press pause press pause with your finger to just go like that and that’s the reminder to your body to take a deep breath and slow down so many of the decisions that we make that we’re not proud of when it comes to food are ones that are made in haste when we slow down get our body into the parasympathetic rest and digest we give ourselves an opportunity to get back in touch with our conscious mind mind and what our morals and values and beliefs are around food and how we should treat ourselves cuz remember healthy eating is a form of self-care so when we slow down we give ourselves the opportunity to say wait a minute what do I really want to do here is this action aligned with the person that I want to be or am I reinforcing a behavioral pattern that I’m really trying to outgrow avocado time avocado and mango especially when the mango is nice and ripe and juicy in the summer forget about it so I’m just cutting this avocado gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous and I’ll do a little crisscross here oh my gosh it is this is a perfect avocado it is so creamy and in that’ll go right into the Bowl here all right my next tip for all you on Theo healthy Honeys is Prep Prep prep please for the love of goodness when you have the opportunity to make some things and put them in the fridge do not waste that precious opportunity when it’s a Sunday and you’re on the couch and you’re scrolling and you’re you’re Doom scrolling or you’re you know watching something on Netflix or Lord knows where the time goes we always find a way to putts around don’t we if you build in intentionally into your schedule food prep time on the weekends and listen it doesn’t have have to be this hours long debutant ball of a food prep you can if you even take 10 minutes on a Sunday to just chop up some vegetables or throw some potatoes in the oven I just put potatoes in the oven right before filming this video it took 30 seconds to scrub them put them in the oven and turn the oven on you do that and then for you put in an entire tray and then for the week you’ve got all these sweet potatoes in the fridge or you take the strawberries out of the container and wash them and put them into another container so that they’re ready to eat or you chop up the vegetables if you schedule this in on Sundays or whatever day it is that you have off I’ll just say Sunday for the sake of this video a Sunday well spent brings a week of content so the reason why so many people are able to stick to their on thee-o healthy eating lifestyle is because the work was done beforehand so we all have some downtime somewhere and if we don’t have time then we can make time and I know it’s easy for us to say I don’t have time but if you’re watching this video then you probably have time what if you woke up 10 minutes earlier and in that 10 minutes you did food prep okay world’s creamiest avocado needs a new home so impressed with myself might make some sushi with that later okay next up I’m going to throw in the recipe in the recipe book actually calls for black black beans and chickpeas but I was at the grocery store and I saw blackeyed peas and I said that would be a fun sort of switch up here and you know that is what is fun about um these recipes and also what makes these recipes so practical is it’s not like in other recipes or if you’re baking you have to be really really careful and make sure that you have every single ingredient and there are no substitutions but in this case when you’re making these healthy Whole Food plant-based meals you can subst substitution Galore you can just mix and match to your dietary preferences so I picked up some Black Eyed Peas I’m just going to fill so that it fills up I’m using the avocado shell right now to measure so half an avocado is worth the reason why is because these types of salads are really great when the main components there’s even amounts of all of them so that’ll give us an even amount okay my next tip for for you emergency food pick meals or recipes that go well in the freezer so like my healthy soups cook book my healthy soups cookbook for example this is a great option because you you prep all the soups and it doesn’t have to be my healthy soups cookbook if you have a bunch of soups that you like then whatever you have that goes well in the freezer prep maybe three of them choose one Sunday every month where you’re going to prep three emergency meals so that when emergencies happen and when chaos is happening you’re running from one place to the other I didn’t have time to go to the grocery store let’s just order pizza you’re not going to just order pizza you’ve got some soups in the freezer oh we just got back from the trip and so we got home at 9:00 at night and we didn’t have time to go grocery shopping so we just picked up we did Uber Eats we picked up something from the corner store you got the emergency food food in the freezer if you are on the go then you need energy and what is one of the leading causes of low energy energy being low in vitamin B12 so please make sure that you’re supplementing with your vitamin B12 this is the cleanest one you’re going to find all the other ones are nasty so get this one it is linked in the down bar no sugar no oil no GMOs no gross stuff just be2 all right red pepper Cho red pepper no red onion chopped Red Onion I’m going to throw in about A4 of a cup of that I’m just going to start mixing this very gently cuz I don’t want the avocado to get all crushed all right I have two more tips for you number four re-evaluate your schedule I know it’s easy to say that we don’t have time we’re running around like crazy but I’m willing to bet that because you’re running around like crazy that’s what’s making everything take so much longer if you were to sit down and really look at your schedule and tighten it up there’s what is the name of that principle where things take as long as you allow them for so if you schedule a meeting for an hour it’s going to take an hour when really you could probably get the same amount done in 30 minutes if you just schedule it for 30 minutes so how much lost time are are we having here there is an app called toggle t o l it’s a great app it tracks your time and I would encourage you if you find if you feel like you’re just losing time you don’t know where the time goes to use an app like that so that you can find out what what is happening here where is all my time going and where can I make more time to sit down and eat and that’s going to lead us into my last tip but let me finish this now I have 1/4 of a cup of this is the fire roasted corn this one is from Whole Foods but you can use any corn uh it can be frozen it can be canned corn fresh corn oh my goodness fresh corn in the summer absolutely and then I added in oh and by the way the corn and the bell pepper this is just a little bit of red bell pepper these were add-ins that I just chose to add in they are not required en Ms um when I made this healthy on the go cookbook as you can see in this recipe in particular I do state that there are plenty of add-ins like you could do quinoa or you could do rice or you could even put this over a salad and make it into a lettuce but I just love this because it’s so tasty it’s so easy it’s so quick you can even put it in your lunchbox if you’re if you have family they could eat this with potato chips okay now I’m going to add in in some cilantro if you don’t like cilantro you can just omit it and I would say it’s about 2 tblspoon of chopped cilantro for the amount that I’m making for this recipe and then I’m going to add in the juice of a lime and then in the recipe book I do have that you’re adding spices like cumin however I’m going to be sharing this with my boyfriend and he doesn’t like things spicy so I’m just going to add some black pepper crack a black [Music] pepper all right this is gorgeous Beyond gorgeous let’s serve it up oh my gosh so good and then my final tip for you is to when you can and please make time if you can if you work through your lunch perhaps consider doing 20 minutes of work and then 40 minutes of lunch as as opposed to 60 Minutes of work and lunch because when you try to do two things you’re just doing two things poorly so what I would encourage you to do if possible is to sit down I’m sure many people watching this video are standing as they’re eating they’re running from one appointment to the next so if you have the opportunity to sit down it’s so important it helps your body get into rest and digest because when you’re up moving that sends the signal to your brain that it’s time to move it’s fight or flight now it’s not the time for digestion so what will happen is blood will Flow Away from the digestive tract toward the arms and the limbs the legs the the limbs to get you away from the perceived Predator since you’re up and moving this doesn’t mean that walking after a meal is bad walking after a meal is actually a really great thing but when you’re actually eating if you’re walking and up and out and about while you’re eating and moving not going to be great for digestion so sit while you’re eating and then you can get up and be on the go all right Honeys I have to know since we’re talking about life on the go do you work inside of the home outside of the home or are you retired or are you a hybrid healthy honey let me know in the comments I love you Honeys and I’ll see you in my next video [Music]