
LIFE IN JAPAN | Home Workout, Veggie garden planting, Healthy recipes, Basketballs game, New Cafe!

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LIFE IN JAPAN A chill week of fun and balance



*My Affordable Weight Loss ebook Here**



Music by TossedOnion – Strawberry Sundae –
Music by Lohfi – Hello –
Music by Lohfi – Keep Going –

Welcome to More cafes you just have to try starring very noisy roads and I forgot my camera where on my iPad iPad IPhone Look at those TOS Are Do you want to do Work okay this whole place is so adorable even the piece of wood that the coffee comes out on I just can’t I’m about to be here every freaking day they lucky as expensive as H cuz I really would be maybe every every other day how much is this like

750 do you taste like 750 but it’s really $4 huh but it’s really $4 $4 exchange rates ridiculous oh yeah not for you that’s me me it’s $25 also they tell you like what you get so this one was El Salvador Guatemala Get me out of here yes oh my God that’s so cool wow how on Earth does that work look it’s really peeling it ew you know I hates bit you Just so I wanted to be sure to update y’all so you don’t miss the chance to garden with me this summer in February and March I plant all of my tomato seeds because they take a lot longer to grow so if you want to plant alongside me

This is what I’m planting for this summer and if you don’t know where to start thanks to the sponsor of today’s video I was able to turn my hobby into something useful for others I created a vegetable Gardening Guide for beginners that you can download for free over on

My website and you can create all kinds of cool things other than a website like a downloadable PDF like I did a podcast or even open up your own online shop they have tons of features like the ability to link your social media accounts 24/7 customer service and tons

Of beautiful customizable templates that you can use so if there’s anything out there that you want to create go to and sign up for a free trial and when you’re ready to launch go to suunday love and you can save 10% off your first purchase of

A website or domain thank you again Squarespace for sponsoring today’s Video His pants were falling off he was giving crack oh my gosh too windy too noisy but we’re at the basketball game in haruku we’re Inu my friend dragged me to some game so funny shout out to Bo she was like I’ve been playing I was like I know

Watch but yeah we’re going to watch basketball here the only in here and they all kind old man he’s actually Cute they’re cute they’re not really good though like they’re not in but I will clap cuz they work hard I’m just a grny look at me I look like a grandma hello you’re still cute making all this racket Japan loves noise like Yeah come On okay everywhere is noisy every time I try to Vlog something cool I’m like there’s just no way because of the noise anyways they have like this full outside foodport area with food trucks yo I snuck out to get some food I have issues anyways I’m really excited

To eat like I just want to know what the food is like at the games I know the game like there losing the team we’re like rooting for but I can sneak away cuz I know you’re losing you’re still going to be losing by the time I get

Back I’m just here for the food I cannot be the only one the most exciting thing about any game is the food oh what is that and I did not bring my glasses so I can’t see anything ooh and yall know like stuff like this usually like in

America The Taste is bad but in Japan like they do it right everything tastes so good like even when I went to sumers Sonic was like music festival you would oh my God they have tacos you’d expect the food to be bad but it never is it be hitting oh tacos I just

Don’t know if I feel like shoving a taco in my mouth I kind of want something easy to eat see fost yeah carbonara at the they’re not joking it’s really carbonara at the basketball game Right smells so soft Wait [Applause] thank you oh they have cute beer girls hey what the come on put up on I feel like they’re going to see that and be like no absolutely not come on put my baby only in Japan do you leave a stadium and it’s this clean we literally just grabbed a

Bunch of trash to throw away cuz that’s just what you do babyy I’m over you look it’s Sloth from The Goonies she oh my God every time I around this trick I I love no idea why me she loves counting money oh my God the dynamic right now the accountant counting money

Somebody’s working observing adorably okay yeah I know I was talking about these gains and getting abs and must muscles and all that stuff I’ve been working out so hard but I swear working out is absolutely nothing if you’re not eating correctly and this time I was like you

Know what I’m going to do this right and I’m going to like figure out exactly all of my macronutrients that I need I usually don’t count macros like I’m the queen of losing weight but for muscles it’s is way different like muscle gain strength training is so different from

Losing weight so this is not exactly my area of expertise although I think I know what I’m doing however I never sat down and actually calculated the numbers so basically what I’m doing differently this time is just making sure I’m actually eating what I’m supposed to be

Eating and enough of it and the exact amounts of what I’m really focusing on protein I want to show you guys one of my go-tos right now which I’ve showed on my channel a couple of times yeah this time it’s specifically for the protein I have a couple of go-tos like you’ve seen

My yogurt bowl that is protein packed and now again this pasta salad the best part is you just add in whatever the poop you have in the house in the fridge as long as you got some pasta and a protein Source it’s pasta salad basically I think another another key is

To make sure you make the dressing don’t use any store bought dressing those things are loaded with fat and sugar for absolutely no reason if you got olive oil lemon salt and pepper you good to go yeah I just add in whatever the heck I have in the fridge today it just so

Happens to be these ingredients I had some brussels sprouts which I usually would not put in there but I do love brussels sprouts so much some celery onions tomatoes chicken bacon and red onion olives cheese which should be called Purple Onion this literally has a billion things in this and I know this

Looks massive but I’ll finish this like two servings it’s great cuz I can just add whatever the poop I have in the garden in here or whatever I have in the house this is literally a bowl leftovers this was all the stuff in my fridge I’m

Like oh you need to cook that but none of it goes together I bet you it’ll go together in a pasta salad didn’t add any green onions I’m a little too lazy to pick them see right there but yeah this has been my go-to y’all I’m just going

To mix this up I was going to do like the Greek yogurt dressing but I think I’m just going to do olive oil balsamic vinegar and lemon juice salt pepper that’s it ready see G puppington may be fragile as thin and tenuous as the finest thread Douglas ain’t been in the Vlogs in a while he’s busy eating he does not like to be interrupted when he’s eating but he got this for Christmas a while ago he got so much stuff for Christmas all y’all did spoiled Bratz but yeah he ate his other Christmas gift so I thought

I’d give him this one now I don’t know if he’s going to like it but there literally is a de on the packaging so it is for Deus my pets are so spoiled is that a gift look look do you want it it’s really big just

Going to put that layer that layer I don’t think he’s feeling this one come here poble oh we got some nibbles oh he likes it Yay Okay