
what i eat in a day | eating intuitively, healthy recipes, go to snacks, tips for eating healthy

what i eat in a day | eating intuitively, healthy recipes, go to snacks, tips for eating healthy
#whatieatinaday #healthyrecipes #fitnesstips

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What I Eat and Train in a Day:
5 Reasons You’re Not Seeing Results:
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Good morning guys welcome back to my channel I’m Britney if you guys are new here what’s up I recently did a grocery store shop I’m fully stocked and I was like you know what would be so fun to do is film a what I eat in a day so that’s

What we’re going to do so I’m going to have the oats I’m going to have some fruit and then I’m going to have this egg veggie scramble so good so let’s go to the kitchen and let’s whip this up okay I’m so bummed because I just threw

Out the box yesterday for the oatmeal that I get but I’ll pop up a picture here if you’re trying to look for it it is frozen and it is so good for the steel cut oats it’s literally just like oats a tiny bit of like maple syrup and

Salt it is so simple for ingredients and it comes in these little Frozen packets you just cut them open yeah oh my gosh I am drooling I’m so excited I you guys if you know I love oatmeal I don’t know why but the other oatmeal just hasn’t been

Hitting for me and then I was like let me try these steel cut oats again it’s been a while like my grandparents used to always get these so when I go their house they lived kind of by where I went to college I would have these and I’d be

Like what the heck these are actually so good so you just pop them in a bowl taada you could make steel cut oats from scratch but it just takes so long and then I literally microwave it for 2 minutes stir and then do another like minute maybe minute and a half even

Though I’m not working out in the morning I’m actually doing a nighttime workout today since I’ve been able to work out with Darien recently he can’t work out till the evening and it is something that has been so fun and exciting to look forward to every day to

Work out together that is something that we used to do all the time but since SI school is literally insane that has not been able to happen also it’s CRNA appreciation week so each day I want to get him a little gift and he always loses water bottles so probably two of

The five gifts are going to be water bottles but I ordered one and I’m going to pick it up today to give to him just like a little appreciation do like small thoughtful gifts or just even letters like I’ll probably be writing like a letter one of the days but because of

His schedule we work out in the evenings and I’ve actually been really liking it it’s been fun to like mix up and do something new especially because it is so cold and just like a frozen tundra the motivation is so low I don’t know if you’re the same but in the winter I’m

Like I just don’t want to go out I don’t want to but I was going to say sorry it’s such a long tangent I love YouTube because I can do these tangents I was saying because it’s a nighttime workout my eating is actually the same like I

Would have oatmeal and eggs in the morning before a workout and I’m just I’m so excited for breakfast you guys everything sounds so good Spinach if you’re like me and spinach is not your favorite thing definitely chop it up it’s makes eating it so much better that way you’re not getting like a huge Leaf in your mouth it’s just like small sprinklings throughout got to grab my pen I feel like they’ll have like the

Special egg pan the egg pan I was actually just gifted a set by hexclad these are such nice pans going to let that warm up for spray inside the pan I always use this this is really good Daran actually just got this little spray in the pan okay luckily I have another

One you wonder yeah I’ll just do that so with the spinach I’m also going to do tomatoes I love blistered tomatoes and I don’t know why like I get on such a kick for eating a certain meal for so long that sometimes I’m like oh I forget how

Much I love a veggie egg scramble I’ve not made these in so long coming back from surgery my nutrition just obviously I’ve been struggling like I want all the Comfort Foods as I’ve been really sad and just quite literally struggling so now that I’m feeling so much better I’m

Like oh what’s easy ways to add vegetables in and I’m like oh a veggie scramble like I used to make these all the time they’re so good and they just make me feel so good because I’m fueling my body with good nutrition so I’ve got a nice little Hand of grape tomatoes I’m

Going to wash these chop these in half and then add this and the spinach into the pan and start getting them cooked down while I whip up the Eggs [Applause] Oh my gosh I’m so excited okay let’s try the veggie scramble it’s so good oh my gosh a big tip too when you’re cooking if you ever use fresh herbs it always makes it so better like I sprinkled basil on the top of this at the very end and it is so

Good especially with the Tomato just gosh it like ties everything and it’s so delicious another tip if you’re trying to get even more protein in use egg whites so I usually will use one whole egg and then a bunch of egg whites no wait I need water first

Ste I have to be so honest with you though the only reason I have a Stanley is because gym shark gave it to me at the oh my gosh gym Shark Lift Manchester event I that was almost a whole year ago my gosh that’s insane okay here’s the

Oatmeal I didn’t show you that was close steel cut oats I if you can tell it’s more chunky I love steel cut oats you see so much heartier I’m not even going to lie there is something about like just wanting to eat the plain oatmeal by itself today and then I have

My fruit on the side I don’t know this is just so So Good by itself right now wow this is so good I have a few bites left and then I have to go to a meeting and I’m trying to post like before the meeting starts

So I’m going to drink my water and go to my meeting bye see you for a snack or lunch okay so I just got some work and meetings done it is now lunchtime I do have leftovers where if there’s enough I might have that but let’s head to the

Kitchen and see so there’s actually quite a lot of this leftover it’s noodles with a broth and then broccoli and some Bean oh yeah that’s actually quite a lot I just need to make a little bit more of the broth I added a little bit of this miso I added some of this

And a little bit of Teriyaki so this is just broth noodles ground beef seasoned with salt pepper garlic salt a little bit of garlic shallot some paprika and then broccoli that is sauteed that’s what’s in here and then I’m going to heat it up and add a little bit of

Cilantro basil lime and a Japanese seasoning to top it off with some sesame seeds one of the biggest tips when it comes to cooking for yourself if this is something you’re trying to get into is if you’re already going to cook once you may as well cook a little extra or

Double so that that will feed you for another meal that is something that has changed the game for me it is so nice to have leftovers from dinner for lunch the next day because lunch is always the hardest meal for me I will usually do like a snack plate or try to do

Something quick because if I’m in the middle of a work day like I don’t want to take too much time sometimes it’s just exhausting to cook three meals a day like but I want eat well so just lunch is so hard so that’s another good tip or you can even use those leftovers

For dinner the next night it’s just like if you’re making a big batch of rice double it have it for the next day extra chicken extra turkey extra ground beef like whatever it is I just feel like that helps so much especially if you’re new on this journey that’s my Food that recipe is quite literally one of the best things on planet Earth my bowl is very empty and my tummy is so full kind of want some more and I also ended up adding half an avocado to it and it just put it over the top too it’s so

Good okay I’ll see you guys for a snack okay it looks like we have cherry and strawberry I think I’m going to go for Cherry what is it with me and spilling in this video I’m just spilled again but oh for the music yeah here yummy yogurt these are some of my favorite

Yogurts and they give 15 g of protein so another way to help get some protein in it’s now time to get ready for the gym and I am making a small pre-workout snack darion’s back home and it’s so fun to catch up and actually have him home I

Cannot reiterate that enough I’m just it’s just so excited I missed him so much so I’m just doing little almond butter banana rice cakes and then one with just avocado salt and pepper this was an new snack my first time trying this and I love it this is such a great

Pre-workout snack and of course the can of Mander oranges I just love them Vinnie did help me eat some of the Mandarin oranges but we’re fueled up and ready to go to the gym this is the creatine I take if you ever use Bean code Brit Sayes you 10% off woo has CH

Every 247 you come my name and I will come running yeah every day [Applause] going to the gym at night is always a struggle cuz we get home and it’s like a race to eat dinner cook dinner get Vine bathed showered ready for bed get him fed and it’s just always a chaotic rat but we’re doing honey hot chicken tonight got some green beans thank

Goodness I had like a microwavable veggie to have fresh veggies cuz I was panicking a little bit I don’t have time to like cook something in the oven and then I’ve got some rice to make I wanted to do potatoes but again it’s literally

7:45 and we have a lot to do so that’s what we’re roll with Tonight hello and welcome to my bath the same treacherous background upward angle that you get every time we chat in the bathroom with nothing but the best lighting so the workout today was actually really good I feel like my strength has slowly been getting back to

Where it once was which is very exciting and it just feels incredibly empowering to just feel better like when you have not felt healthy or okay for so long when you finally start to feel better mentally especially and physically it just is such a breath of fresh air and I

Feel like I don’t know like I can definitely tell a difference so I wonder if you guys can tell too I just feel so much better like my mind is so much clearer and everything so feeling really good had a fun workout and dinner we just whipped that up super quick it is

8:25 now and probably going to have a couple like a little small late night snack after I shower I just like want to shower so badly I feel just so grimy and gross so it’s it’s going to be a good shower put some self tuner on do some skincare and then

I’ll show you my late night snack hopefully I can watch like 20 minutes of a show to wind down that would just really make my day actually that’ be so nice Okay I feel so good after a shower love it I put my Tanner on I

Always use loving tan you guys feel like you know that by now and I just used to m i don’t put any on my face though I never do I don’t put like tanning drops or anything on my face anymore I might use like a drunk elephant product like

This in the morning or kosas which is one of my favorites love it but I don’t like to use tanting Drops anymore they just used to make me have blackheads like the aisle of paradise and honestly oh my gosh I used them at the gym Shark Lift Manchester event and I

Put like a pimple patch on like I put the Tanner on all over my face and I put the pimple patch on and like you could have a I had a clear white patch and then the rest of my face was tined and I was like this is bad and I was so

Embarrassed and like people could tell and were pointing it out so I was like I have not used them since I should probably gift them to somebody because I have like half a bottle left I give them to my mom she loves them too but I was

Like man such a shame almost dropped my snack so I’m just going to have a couple of flips I just like got a little handful these are so good I actually like the milk chocolate ones better but the store has ran out of them for a

While so now I just do the dark chocolate until the milk chocolate come back but going to have that probably watch a little show relax unwind hang out with Darion and have a good rest of the night so hope you guys enjoyed today’s video if you liked it give it a

Big thumbs up don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and I’ll see you guys in the next video Bye