
High Protein Low Carb Meal Prep! Healthy Meal Ideas For The Whole Family!

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Thanks so much for hanging out with me while I share with you the super awesome high-protein low-carb meal prep! Time to make some dietary choices this new year! Trying to make things easy on myself, by meal, prepping some healthy food!

Macro friendly foods meal plan
Get 10% off first purchase with my code “TheWads”

 Macro friendly foods, Instagram

[Applause] N New Year same me same goals as the year before I’m going to try to implement them today I’m going to work on some meal prep healthy meal prepping so I do have a list of meals that I want to make today all great high protein low carb

It’s going to be fantastic you know what’s going to help me out Thrive Market they’re all about healthy living and making it easy and affordable for everyone this is actually my recent ENT package I just got it in the mail I’m out of breath it’s so heavy huge thanks

To thrive market for sponsoring this video thank you for supporting me when I have sponsored content I have been a member of Thrive market for quite some time it is a membership based online grocery store they sell so much more than groceries they have cleaning products that I love like these blue

Land products these are dishwasher tablets I love stocking up on all of my cleaning products from Thrive Market because I know the brands that they sell on there are eco-friendly they’re clean they’re sustainable Brands and that’s what they’re all about I love getting my kids snacks kids and adult just snacks

In general I feel like they’re more healthier again from sustainable Brands they have organic non-GMO stuff and a lot of their snacks they do the leg work for me I’m not always great at looking at ingredient lists but they do all the work okay if you’re looking for a snack

That’s healthier for you thrive Market is the way to go so you know everything you get from there is going to be high quality granola bars these are for my kiddos love liquid IV stocking up and I grabbed some element I realized I was out of these and I love element these

Are sugar-free did I get the sugar-free liquid I I did I got the sugar-free I’m I’m all about living that sugar-free life and if you’re all about a certain lifestyle or Diet Choice like keto paleo gluten-free oh they have a lot of gluten-free products it’s really easy to

Navigate their website and click around for whatever you’re looking for the other day I had a doughnut for breakfast the holidays are over but I can’t seem to kick the sugar someone brought it for me what am I goingon to say no to a donut anyway I ate it had like an

Allergy attack like what I guess my body is ready for the new year before I am let me have my sour cream donut will you anyway my body was like absolutely not n o so I went to thrive Market immediately and got some gluten-free pancake mix this is our favorite from King Arthur

They have a ton of healthy swaps on there too so if you’re like man I really love sugar and I really love my gummy bears well guess what Bri Market has like better for you gummy bears this is the Lily brand so great and then Nutella

Can’t give it up my kids love it so much who can blame them Nutella has 22 g of sugar per serving and this is very similar been buying this for years it’s Justin’s hazelnut spread and it has 8 g of sugar per serving huge difference and that’s what Thrive Market is all about

Like salt and vinegar chips Thrive Market has you covered but with a better brand better ingredients it’s just better check this one out trying to cut some sugar from your diet come the New Year easy swaps they’ve got easy swaps on Thrive Market they have this unreal brand these are like Reese’s Peanut

Butter Cups just peanut butter cups unreal peanut butter cups you know what’s unreal about them the fact that they have 5 g of sugar and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups has like 23 g of sugar so much better they taste phenomenal so it is membership based they have two kinds of memberships

Monthly membership and yearly membership the yearly breaks down to about $5 a month they have so many ways to save money on their website they have deals all of the time they have freebies what was mine even their members get freebies often I got under eye hydr gels thank

You so much they have an option for Thrive cash on some products there’ll be like a little link where it says Thrive cash and you can earn cash back on some of the products that you purchase moreover they do a price matching so if you find the price is better elsewhere

They’ll match it for you it’s a win-win and if you sign up for the yearly membership it’s $60 a year and if you don’t make that in savings they will credit you the difference you’re not going to lose anything and I will throw up on the screen what I saved in just

This order alone it’s my fault it’s crazy I definitely save more than my membership I tell people about Fri Market all of the time because it’s that fantastic their selection is is so much bigger than anywhere in my local grocery store it’s convenient they ship right to

My front door I don’t have to leave the house I can scroll my phone when I’m holding my baby and he’s sleeping and just go grocery shopping it is fantastic I cleaning products you guys love they have clean beauty products household products paper products Pantry products

Stock up on all your stuff because right now Thrive Market is offering you 30% off of your Force first order take advantage of that screaming deal where else are you going to find that nowhere just right here use my link in the description box below

Thee wads you’ll get 30% off of your first order and a free gift up to a $60 value and they have free shipping over $49 gets you free shipping and I clearly meet that threshold every time so pumped about the things that I got I really

Encourage you guys to check them out my link is in the description box below scream and deal for you first things first I think I’m going to put together some hot high protein low carb breakfast for me that’s a really hard meal for me to get started my date with breakfast is

Always a tricky time for me I just feel like I’m barely awake don’t really know what I’m doing taking care of everyone else getting everyone else up and ready and up and Adam and all that good stuff so by the time it’s time for me to eat something I’m just eating leftover

Brownies from brownie Friday and I’m trying to break that cycle so I figured what really helped me post partum was when I put together breakfast boxes so I’m going to try to do that I found a really cool recipe for high protein scrambled eggs and it just calls for a

Crazy ingredient cottage cheese so I’m going to try it out see if it’s crazy cuz you know sometimes things be crazy Jordan the recipe calls for four eggs to half a cup of cottage cheese I feel like that is one serving so I’m going to double that and if they’re gross I’ll

Just choke them down they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day ooh I got you are you okay I guess technically it doesn’t really matter what you’re eating or when you’re eating breakfast it’s just when you’re breaking your fast from the night so I’m going to

Do like one cup of cottage cheese oh you know what I’m missing the classic just a little bit of salt and pepper in here got to give it a little flavor and you know would be great adding some tries I like doing that fresh herbs always

Elevate a dish and you’ll see in a minute to my pancakes what I’m going to add is going to blow your mind I made it the other day and I was like why have I not been doing this my entire life a little hack for you if you want really

Nice and fluffy eggs some people put these in the blender with the cottage cheese to really get it up there I think the Whisk is doing a good job but if you want to add something to make them really fluffy heavy whipping cream or some halfin half just a little bit you

Don’t need that much couple tablespoons little splash will do you all right that should be good now for the pancakes I bought this Birch Benders keto blend I used to talk so much crap about these pancakes but listen for zero added sugar 6 g of protein and six carb how much

Crap can you really talk I do add some eggs to this just for a little extra protein I’ve got some milk that expired this is just like an estimated date right I don’t know about that I had buttermilk in here too you can use water I’m just going to use almond milk I

Don’t really measure anything I just listen I’ve made pancakes so many times in my life here’s the kicker if you want to elevate it grab yourself an orange or a lemon even woo I don’t eat my pancakes with um syrup I feel like even if you

Did this would make it better oh there’s a sticker this just gives it such a nice freshness where is my other one this one sucks there it is yay yeah now we’re moving along just grab the zest off of it stop at the white part that part is a

Little bitter all those essential oils ooh can I make lime pancakes I love limes the flavor isn’t overpowering and what I love the most about Citrus is that it does introduce a Punch full of flavor with hardly any calories or sugar anything else I’ll have you know I saw a

Whisk the other day it was like a mini whisk I didn’t buy it I wanted to I didn’t buy it maybe next time everyone has their thing right it’s glutenfree so can you over mix these I don’t think so it doesn’t matter and then I’m just

Going to throw some of these on a skillet to warm them up these are really great they’re chicken sausages they’re fully cooked so I’m just going to warm them up but this has 9 g of protein zero carbs so it’s just a great option to fill your bellies so you’re not hungry

In like an hour you know that’s my problem I’m a big snacker I’m not sure if you saw the texture of these eggs but they’re nice and light and fluffy I can’t see any of the cottage cheese in here it’s all really nicely Incorporated no hunky chunks I’m not even a huge fan

Of cottage cheese Oho the hunky chunks are all at the bottom that’s okay I’ll add them anyway little bit of butter in there and then I’m going to butter my massive griddle I love this griddle more than everything else in my life it’s so large I can cook so many pancakes at one

Time and when you are having a lot of mouth to feed it is important like who wants to sit over a stove for 30 minutes in the morning I’m going to tell you a little story about a girl named Lucky no I’m just kidding so pancakes for

Breakfast you might think oh that’s not healthy but these are they’re keto friendly isn’t that amazing you can still eat the breakfasts and the meals that you love just by making small changes to them and making them slightly healthier so these I forgot what I said

Maybe like six gram of carbs or whatever but normal pancakes are like 25 is I say that with a question mark maybe sometimes more um I am still loving making the sourdough pancakes too so I won’t always eat high protein because I can’t give up cake or brownies oh by the

Way made the best brownies the other day but macro Friendly Foods the subscription service that I’m subscribed to and have been for years um she has recipes for like you know high protein so I’m going to have to try some of those out she has a ton of different

Desserts and just general recipes like 800 over 800 of them I do have a link always in the description box and my code is the wads if you want 10 smells so great the sausage is high in protein the pancakes are high in protein the eggs the cottage cheese has 14 g of

Protein per serving so it’s just great all around and Wentworth is already digging into the pancakes so I’m going to let these cool and then seal them up and breakfast is good to go for the next couple of days next thing I’m going to throw together are some steak kebabs I

Made these once before for simple ingredients pretty quick and easy to throw together I’m going to skewer them on a kebab so I mean that part is a little timec consuming and there is a sauce that you could make I I didn’t make the sauce last time I feel like

It’s unnecessary flank steak is really pricey but if you go to Costco you can find it pretty affordable oh look at this lovely chunk of meat full of protein you know there’s like 70 g of protein in 8 oz how many o is this 2 and

1/2 lb I could probably eat 8 oz of this clar I’m going to stop making you nervous I’m just going to cut this up and I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to go against the grain so the grain is this way so I’m going to cut it this way

Pretty hunky chunk pieces I’ve made this once before and I’ve been dreaming about it ever since it was 2 years ago obviously flank steak is crazy expensive so that’s one reason why I don’t make it often the other reason is because I try to share new recipes with you you but I

Feel like it was 2 years ago you might not remember even though this is less of a recipe and more of a technique she’s Beauty and she’s Grace she’s Miss United States if this doesn’t say America I don’t know what does so I cubed that up

And I’m going to do the same to some green peppers and onions this is actually a Philly cheese steak recipe but I don’t make the Vita sauce that’s there on the website I just don’t think it’s necessary and I’m going to keep these bell pepper chunks really hunky I

Might need a second one and then same with the onion oh my word I love this fresh ingredients are just so fantastic mushrooms as well are these pre-washed I I have to rinse these I’m not going to cut them last time I cut them they kept falling off the skewer when I was

Grilling them and it just became a big old mess so my skewers are pretty thick so I got the really small baby ones and I’m just going to skewer them as is I’m just going to start skewering them I do have a pretty large pan like 15 in by

However long and my skewers fit in here so I feel like well the smaller ones do I and I feel like this is a great make aead where I can make this stored in my fridge or even my freezer and then cook it in a couple of days because you know

The days can get very hectic and if you don’t have dinner planned then it’s like out to eat and all your resolutions are out the window by the way in the last voiceover I completely forgot to mention that schm on my sweater it’s yogurt baby hands I was holding Wolf Gang and he

Just got it everywhere and I thought it was just on my shoulder up here I didn’t think to I mean I guess that’s a really hard place to look to see if there’s any yogurt thanks for no one for letting me know I had yogurt all over my sweater

Anyway uh skewing these kebabs they’re so fantastic you can do this with chicken or whatever protein that you like I actually have a really good fish recipe um that I want to make soon is are is salmon high in protein I know it’s supposed to be like healthier with

The omegas and all that good stuff I take good quality vitamins so I’m not too worried about that and um I cook with a lot of olive oil so anyway maybe I’ll share that in a future meal prep video If you enjoyed this one I’ll definitely make another one because it

Helps me and I love cooking and I love making new recipes and I love to eat most importantly love to eat and these kebabs were fantastic we had them last night for dinner and oh my gosh everyone gobbled them up everyone they look so great but there’s

Even more that’s going to make them better but still very simple so you just drizzle oil over everything and then I have this Kinder the steak blend seasoning um I bet the butter what is it buttery steakhous or something like that would be fantastic on this too but

That’s literally it you just sprinkle it on top of everything and then when you’re ready to cook them plop them on the grill here’s what they looked like Alex is always the Grill Master I may have said earlier when I was grilling the mushrooms fell off but really it was

When he was grilling last time we had these was at the beach house we go once a year it’s like a one week kind of thing and everything always tastes better there but happy to report it tasted just as good in the comfort of my own home the next thing I’m going to

Throw together call a keto antipasta salad so I guess low carb high protein is keto if you want to look at it that way I just look at it as eating more protein and less carbs why label it right so this is one of my favorite salads if you will it doesn’t include

Any lettuce although you totally could does lettuce have carbs does butter have carbs I don’t really care I don’t really care because I love lettuce but this just includes some vegetables some meat and a dressing that is to dye for I think if you make this whether it’s for

Yourself for meal prepping for a get together everyone’s going to love it it calls for tomatoes That’s Not My Vibe so I just double up on the red pepper and I chop in like hunky chunky pieces and I’m just going to throw everything straight into a bowl

It’s really simple starting out with two red peppers just chunking them up and then I’m going to add in some red onion I’m going to chunk this up question mark not really sure how I normally do the red onion a little smaller pieces because man this thing packs a punch so

I’m probably going to do I don’t know what’s this a cup half cup a hefty amount I also have this fancy mozzarella cheese sometimes I buy the the snack and cheese spitting which is still mozzarella cheese but they’re like in balls and I have some of those but I

Also have this left over I made some pesto sandwiches I figured I would just use this up and then I’ve made this before without any cheese so the slices are kind of thin so so I’m just going to probably quarter it no that was too big

So I’m going to cut the quarters in half I don’t really know how much of this like you know however much you want it’s very similar to like an Italian chopped salad that I used to make with beans in it and it did have lettuce chickpeas I

Guess is that a bean or a pea and then this recipe calls for salami and pepperoni so I go to the deli and I get it th sliced pretty thick and then I just Cube this up I find that this is just the best way to do it and then

Throw that in same with the salami slices I just cubed this up to high protein high sodium tossing that right in it just reminds me of going to my aunt’s house she always had an antipasta tray out and I’ve never made one like she did she had like rolls like she

Would sit there and I assume just roll all of the meats and then douse it in some kind of oil mixture vinegar oil and herbs so this is what we’re working with oh but that’s not it one of my alltime favorite sleepover snacks I’m salivating already the banana peppers down here

It’s like we’re having a sleepover and our parents are sleeping except for instead of parents are sleeping our kids are sleeping and we’re sneaking up eating banana peppers that’s my favorite snack what are you sneaking up to eat this keto antipasta salad Consolidated my fridge so I just through peppero

Chinis in with them which is basically banana peppers so I’m just going to dice those up and throw those into oo did I get you she’s juicy all right that’s enough so now I’m going to throw together the dressing that goes on top of this ooh it’s what really makes

It so 3 tablespoon of oil half a cup of red wine vinegar we need a little bit more this is makes it so good A little bit of Basil but I always add Italian seasoning because I always have it in my pantry and it’s like more I mean oregano

Did I say basil because I am going to add fresh basil this is straight from my garden so I’m going to take a few leaves oh my gosh basil is superior to parsley when it’s last time you had fresh parsley if it’s been a while just head outside and take some grass clippings

And that’s what you’re missing basil is just so fragrant and fresh kind of licoricey but not as much as what’s that other herb that’s like licorish I can’t think of it right now but I made a pasta salad with it h couple years ago and oh my gosh I I

Can’t stop thinking about that but not in a good way this is great and about a half a cup of this throw that in it’s one way to elevate a dish fresh herbs fresh Citrus I’m telling you and then six tablespoons of swerve confectioner sugar so this is like a sugar

Replacement but it tastes basically the same there is a slight like H weird aftertaste but not if you don’t not if you’re not looking for it you know I think I’m going to go shy on this and just do five I think that’s good enough I’m not even really sure it needs the

Sweetness I mean maybe with all that saltiness right you need some acid you need some sweet you need some salty you got to hit every layer of the tongue and that’s it ooh I’m salivating just dump this all over my lunch is surfed obviously give it a toss but it’s just

So pretty does anyone love food this much I’m going to give it a toss if I had a lid to this I would just throw a lid on it and give it a good Shake but I don’t you can add whatever the heck you want to this too and I think it’ll be

Fantastic first time I had this my sister-in-law made it and I was like yes yes yes and also thank you all right that looks a little better yeah I’m going to take a little taste test of this oh my god when I die I want to be

Buried with this I actually don’t want to be buried at all when I die serve this at my funeral thank you one of my all-time favorite foods of all time this it’s so good how do we rre the Stars nothing could keep us apart all right that’s

Enough one more bite though all right two more bites moving on moving on to a sweet treat these are are so good I made them for Thanksgiving crowd pleaser they’re protein Buckey you might be thinking how much protein can you put in a buckeye 6 G in one little Buckeye thanks to some

Protein powder so four ingredients five cuz you’re going to dip them in chocolate six if you want to put coconut OA let’s not get all wrangled up with the numbers what am I looking for I’m going to use my kitchen aid cuz why not why not why not take a

Crazy get this party started right now really simple recipe and when you’re eating these listen we all want a sweet treat at the end of the day maybe morning time maybe midday whatever the heck kind of day you’re having I don’t think it matters what kind of day I’m

Having I don’t think I’m ever going to turn down a buckeye so why not make them healthy I’m starting out with two cups of peanut butter sometimes I use my kitchen scale because measuring peanut butter so annoying normally I just eyeball it you know me so 2 cups of

Peanut butter going in I’ve seen so many variations of peanut butter balls have you ever tried them with like rice crispy cereal essentially like puffed rice cereal on the inside I had so many Buckey this holiday season I think it literally gave me a cavity a couple teaspoons of vanilla

Extract 4 tbspoon of honey honey I’m sure you can use Agave here or even maple syrup by the way this Nifty measuring spoon is from the Pamper Chef I’ve had them for years and I love them now here’s the fun part instead of where you would typically add powdered sugar

I’m going to add Ye Old protein powder I lost my scoop so I’m just going to weigh it out everyone has their preference on like what kind of protein powder they like the most I just got this because it was on sale at Costco however I recently

Got this one and a lot of people Rave about this it’s a little pricier so 128 g of protein powder 132 is close enough for me I’m going to throw that in and then Whip It Up This smells so good so now that it’s all mixed together like

It’s a really great consistency I’m going to roll these into balls man these are so good they’re almost too good that you think H so I love having treats like this on hand it just saves me from from raiding my pantry and making some unhealthy choices even though this is a

Treat I feel like it’s a healthy treat so it’s good I’m not the level where I just eat Whole Foods all the time I have been there before maybe I’ll get back to that probably not though cuz I do enjoy my life and I en I enjoy eating treats

I’m just not willing to do it I don’t really care that much about it I do like having treats that are a little healthier for me and they make me feel a little better I’m going to throw these in the fridge and let them firm up for

Like for like 30 minutes and then I’ll dip them into chocolate pretty simple a little bit of chocolate never hurt anybody I melted up um okay so I had these Lily semi style baking chips uh and then I had the giradelli melted chocolates in the back there the Lily’s

Brand I think is zero sugar or something like that I’m sure they add some kind of like chemical to I don’t know what they do okay it tastes great but sometimes when you change too many ingredients in a recipe to make them healthier it just that’s when it doesn’t taste good you

Know but this changing the powdered sugar to the protein powder delicious so I didn’t want to change too much so I did it with a normal chocolate and it tasted amazing these are a crowd pleaser for sure kid pleaser too all right another recipe this one is honey Sriracha ground chicken and broccoli

Right sounds amazing sounds delicious so many flavors I’m all about the first ingredient is obviously chicken and it calls for ground chicken um have you seen the price of ground chicken at your grocery store insane your first boring essentially so what I like to do is ground my own dang chicken

Did you know that you can do that right in your very own food processor if you don’t have a food processor just cut it up real small I think that’ll be just fine so chicken breasts are probably ideal for this especially if you’re wanting to keep the fat low but I have

Chicken thighs cuz that’s how I live my life I just think they’re so much juicier hard to overcook and I’m just going to grind it up why don’t they make why don’t they make the cords longer oh when a problem comes along you must whip it and just like that you have some

Ground chicken I’m going to throw a little bit of oil in a pot on my stove top and start cooking this chicken up while I cut up the broccoli talking about cheese Beauty and she’s Grace I’m going to add a little bit of salt and pepper to this so while this is cooking

I’m going to work on the broccoli it calls for 12 oz and I’m just going to rinse this really quick and then I’m going to cut it into bite-sized pieces I just take it off of the stock like this and that’s pretty much all I do keeping

It nice and easy that doesn’t seem like enough to me so I’m going to do more I have one more head thankfully my kids love broccoli and I could always use more vegetables in my diet going to chop up any of the bigger pieces the great

Thing about this is that it Cooks up really fast so it could be a really great week night meal too but also great to make aead who is here BRB it’s a revolving front door I tell you all right this Cooks up in a jfer and once

The chicken is done cooking I’m just going to reserve it into a dish over here and I’m going to add a little bit more oil and throw in the broccoli and let this cook it should only take about minutes but I am going to season these

Two cuz you season every layer a little bit of salt and pepper nothing crazy yet I think a little hack that I typically use is use a little bit less oil or none at all and then do a little splash of water like that and then they’ll cook in no time I

Like to cover mine so while it’s cooking I’m going to throw the sauce together I’ve made this once before and it was really good it calls for for a/4 cup of sweet chili sauce my kids love this stuff they’ll dump it just on Rice which is a really low carb friendly I’m just

Kidding but this particular kind is sugar-free so ooh two carbs per serving great and it’s gluten-free if you were interested so how much do I need 1/4 cup of this or so this is packed full of flavor and then I’m going to add a couple tablespoons of Honey here’s the

Kicker if you want to add this some sriracha sauce I just ran out of mine so I had to buy a new one 2 to 3 tblspoon ooh 2 to 3 tbsp of this it really packs a punch 2 tbsp of soy sauce I like to

Use cocoa aminos calls for sesame oil I could have sworn on my life that I had some turns out I don’t I’m going to add a little bit of Ginger paste and a little bit of garlic fresh from my garden and then give this a MK MK and that is the sauce oh

Yes sometimes I like to double the sauce because it’s always nice to have extra sauce especially my husband he loves to have extra sauce the broccoli is done so I’m going to take this out you’re actually supposed to cook it first so you don’t have to do all this mixing and

Rearranging um I’m going to throw the chicken back in and then dump the sauce on top you’re supposed to let it cook until the sauce gets a little thicker um I’m pretty sure we can double this sauce situation but here we are and then when it’s all thickened up you throw the

Broccoli back in and that’s it you can store it in food containers eat it throughout the week or I’m just going to put it in a large container and when I need dinner one night I’m going to pull it out or I’m sure you can even throw

This in the freezer they have freezer meals that look just like this so quick and easy and delicious and healthy I just took a taste test oh my all the flavors are happening in my mouth right now I know healthy is a subjective term but I don’t care what like this is

Better than taking getting take out better better than running to your local Chinese restaurant there’s one reason Alex is always up for Chinese oo now I’m really feeling that heat I’m a wimp though it’s not that spicy Alex always wants to go out to eat and I’m like I

Can make it better at home and my belly won’t feel like garbage afterward you know what I mean 20 minutes is what this took that’s it all right I’m going to throw together you guessed it let’s say it together based off all of the hints that I’ve given you thus far spinach

Arch choke dip hey you see the spinach you see the arch choke and you see the dip really simple ingredients again I had most of these on hand except for the spinach and sour cream does call for a little bit of sour cream but it calls for yogurt bumps up the protein there

This is how you do it this is how you do it football is on and you know you can’t watch football without what is this I never buy it like this is this 8 oz so 8 oz of cream cheese plop that in 1/4 cup

Of sour cream plop that in 1/4 cup of Greek yogurt plop in that in a little bit of garlic 2/3 cup of Parmesan I’ve had this in the fridge for a while still good all right three how much is that that’s good and then I have some

Powdered stuff I don’t really like that but I’ll throw some of that in and then 13 cup of mozzarella cheese you know I love this already I love spinach artichoke dip especially that’s right when I’m watching football no one guess that Elanor said no one guessed that all

Right and then for the kicker because um you know there’s a misconception around spinach artichoke dip that it’s healthy because it has spinach and artichokes but that myth has been busted so I have what is this 12 oz of marinated artichoke hearts these are great oh my fingers are

Weak o there it is I’m just going to take all the artichokes out and then I’m just going to give these a chop cuz I don’t want artichoke hanging out of my mouth while I’m eating my spinach artichoke dip while I’m you guessed it watching football my sister-in-law made

Spinach artichoke dip in the crock pot last time she came what was it Christmas oh my gosh it was so good I’ve been craving it ever since woo I’m going to cut them up really small I don’t even want to know that there’s artichokes in here okay why is so slimy they’re slimy

And slippery I keep sliding all around this is dangerous I’m going to mix this up before I add anything else this smells like Little Caesars I can’t tell you the last time I walked into a Little Caesars but this is it and I’m going to

Add all of the artichokes in and then I have 10 oz of organic spinach so this is still frozen I’m going to thaw it I’ll show you how to do it I just take a colander and I throw the spinach in the colander and then I rinse it under cool water and it

Thaws it out and then you can ring out the extra moisture really simply it thaws out in like a minute it’s already basically done and then I just squeeze all the moisture out cuz you don’t want extra moisture in your spinach artichoke dip all right there she blows throw this

In here too I’m just going to break it up a little bit and then mix this in I’m sure you could just throw this into like a mini crock pot or something but I’m going to grab baking dish o I’m going to grease the pan here with some avocado

Oil I’m going to dump it in and then cook it at 350° for like 20 minutes healthy spinach Arch choke dip never tasted so good here it is all cooked ooh looks pretty much the same just a little golden brown around the edges can’t wait to dive in I

Know how ironic I’m going in with a tortilla chip but here we go oh my heck yes please since I have most of the ingredients out I’m going to go ahead and throw together monster balls monster bites if that offends you uh basically similar ingredients peanut butter honey

It calls for oats which are really great to help satiate you is the protein powder still here hold on this one is more of a treat because it calls for M&M’s I always try to keep these stocked in my pantry the mini ones I don’t know if I have mini chocolate chips so

That’ll be fun to find out but the mini M&M’s my kids love putting these in yogurts and then I always make these monster balls with them monster bites they’re so great the kids gobble them up they love them easy to throw into their lunch boxes too and then recently I

Found these mini M&M’s peanut butter M&M’s never saw those before it’s just so much better for me than chomping on one of these like grabbing one of these monster balls rather than grabbing one of these which I’m surprised none of my kids have gotten into yet these have 17 g of

Sugar but you got to have them it’s the holiday season you know what I mean Valentine’s Day next next is Easter I’m just trying not to go overboard so for the monster bites I’m just going to use the same Bowl because peanut butter this is one of elely Ellis’s recipes you guys

Know I love her she is the one who created macro friendly foods that I love and use all of the time uh she shares free recipes on her Instagram so if I ever share like her meal oh her meal subscription is so great it is great uh

By the way I do have a code to get 10% off if you’ve been eyeballing it but if you’re like wow I don’t need another Subscription Service well follow her on Instagram because she shares a ton of free meals there too so two cups of Oats

A little bit of salt give that a mix by the way I don’t count macros I know I know I might be saying like oh this is this many grams of protein I’m just trying to be more conscious about it but I definitely don’t count it not even

Close not even a little bit not even at all name that movie so 1 cup of peanut butter and then half a cup of honey I do have an energy ball recipe that I haven’t made in a really long time that calls for flax seed and chia seed and

Just all these really great ingredients I probably should make them again but my kids love these and so I’m just sticking to it kind of tastes like cookie dough 1/4 cup of milk and 75 G ah exactly of protein powder mix This Together here’s the fun part and you

Have to mix that first because the milk will make the M&M smell melt in your mouth not in your hands my but you know what remember that one time I left them in my car in the Florida heat during summer time and they didn’t melt I was impressed I threw in like a/4

Cup of M&M’s and then you’re supposed to have chocolate chips in here too but I don’t have those so that’s good enough you guessed it roll these into balls and you’re going to have a sweet little treat whenever you feel like having a sweet little treat these monster balls

Are always a staple in my fridge my kids nibble on them all throughout the day They are packed full of great things to help keep their bellies full and that’s what it’s all about and I feel a little better feeding them this rather than you know bag of Doritos or something all

Right that is it I just did the dishes I I had the kids unload it I loaded it and then I had a ton more to hand wash that’s what I get for not doing dishes all day and part of last night it’s fine that’s what happens meal prepping day I

Feel like I actually didn’t go through a ton of dishes while I was meal prepping which is always like the last thing you want to do when after a day of meal prepping but I hope I gave you some high protein recipes that you’re going to try

In the future I have a ton more to try I had more on my list but I was like listen I got to watch football you know what I mean so I’ll see you next time if you want to subscribe put a little happy in your day bye