
HWLTV Low-carb/Keto-friendly Flaxseed Bread Stuffing

Learn some new recipe ideas to enjoy your holidays while still maintaining your health! In Part Three of the Health, Wellness and Lifestyle TV Christmas episode with Tammy-Lynn McNabb, create a savoury and mouth-watering stuffing recipe with fresh herbs from the garden and using our low-carb/keto-friendly flaxseed bread.

Health Wellness & Lifestyle TV is currently in its 4th season as a national TV show that airs to 6 million households across Canada and is also on Air Transat Airlines for in-flight viewing. We also air internationally to Russia and Vietnam to an additional 40 million viewers. This 30 minute TV show gives tips and tricks on how to lead a healthy lifestyle without giving up everything that you love. Living and eating healthy doesn’t always have to be painful! Host Tammy-Lynn is a leading maven in the health and wellness industry and is always fun and entertaining!