
What I Eat in a Day! | healthy, nourishing, & filling recipes! breakfast, lunch, & dinner ideas

what i eat in a day, easy and nourishing cozy recipes! | thank you LMNT for sponsoring this video! head to to get your free sample pack with any purchase ✨🍫 PS don’t forget to comment & enter the giveaway! Merry Christmas from me, Bo, & Meester πŸ™‚πŸ’›πŸŒŸ


Stovetop Fritatta
sauté onion and tomato in ghee. chop basil & whisk into eggs. pour over veggies & let it cook on low with the lid on until eggs are set. top with salt and feta! this is BEYOND delicious 🀀

Mineral Tea πŸŒΏπŸ«– – amazing if you need help with painful periods
3 tbs nettle
3 tbs oatstraw
3 tbs red raspberry leaf
steep in 9 cups of boiling water and let infuse overnight. the next morning, you’ll have the most mineral-rich tea ever! it’s basically nature’s multivitamin! πŸ˜‰

Gut Healthy Mocktail
1 TBS Chlorophyll
Splash of cranberry

Adaptogenic Chai
2 chai tea bags
1/2 cup steamed milk
1/2 packet Chocolate Chai LMNT
1 scoop collagen
1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste
1 tsp reishi – shop it here:

In this video
Just Thrive Probiotic! use code Cambria for 20% off Just Thrive
Jewelry code: Cambria
Amazon storefront (Bible, cooking pans, etc)

order your copy of Milk & Honey – a devotional journey through Scripture to savor the goodness of God 🍯


Music by Carter Vail – Tigers on Trains –
Music by Mr. Jello – Sunrays –
Music by Mr. Jello – Hitting Hard –
Music by Carter Vail – Milk Carton –
Music by ninjoi. – Deck the Halls –

If you’re heading for I could have a 100 cups of something it would be this it would be This good morning and welcome to my favorite breakfast of all time this used to be made at a restaurant that I love but we’re going to do a stove top for Tana so let’s get cooking might let you go you’re wck and Kiss Me Slowly you can turn headlights Off all our friends and all their voices falling Sil in the decided could be my favorite breakfast of all time ooh spyic phase of digestion stove top for Tata I can’t even get a good bite I’m so nervous here we go phenomenal absolutely unbelievable that is so insanely good m Tigers on train watching you go head okay so I’ve been making this adaptogenic chai all fall long all Autumn long and this is the first time that so the the element came out with their new chai flavor which is just insane it’s limited edition this is the

First time that I’ve never added any sweetener into it and it doesn’t need sweetener that says a lot for me because I like things sweet this is so nourishing too because you have the REI in there which is so amazing so good for immunity this time of year but the

Element in there it adds in those electrolytes magnesium is so important so relaxing helps to relax your muscles and just overall relax relation and also the pottassium in there is so important to help you with hormones because it helps to regulate our blood sugar and also thyroid hormone it makes our cells

Sensitive to thyroid hormone and sodium is really important for fluid balance which is so important for actually the health of our cells because we actually we want balance we don’t want too much water in the cell we don’t want not enough obviously we don’t want to be dehydrated and that’s the thing sodium

And potassium actually allow your cells to open up and allow water to flow through and so this is the perfect little concoction great way to start the day get all of your electrolytes in you can go to drink camria and you’re going to get the free sample pack

With your order and this they’re doing the limited edition this is the time to get element definitely snag the limited edition chocolate medley because it’s so good it has the chocolate mint chai and raspberry I love the chai they’re all so good though like I’m obsessed with all

Of them there’s one thing that you can do to just simply help your body and your health is get your body the minerals that it needs and uses and requires that’s the thing with minerals we can’t make them we have to eat them we have to consume them you are quite

Literally giving yourselves what they need literally they need it they need electrolytes they need magnesium our body can’t even anyway I could talk on and on and on about this forever there’s a reason that I love elements so much and it’s because I believe in minerals and electrolytes so much and because I

Myself self was so deficient for so many years in magnesium potassium we actually need a lot more than we think same thing with sodium we need a lot more than especially if we’re stressed having adrenal problems we need sodium like very nourishing to the adrenal glands very important very we just we burn

Through these minerals like crazy and so simple simple simple way to add in is through an electrolyte packet a love element they don’t add anything weird they don’t add any artificial color sweeteners flavors anything like that it’s just everything that you want nothing that you don’t if I could have

100 cups of something it would be this it would be this okay this is what I call a Rainy Day dinner because I got a beef shank from our local Farm it was on sale so I had to snag it but I really like cuts of meat like this because

They’re very gelatinous and that’s really good because we want that collagen from those connective tissues very very rich in collagen and those amino acids are so important they’re necessary for our Liver Health for our liver cells to do what they need to do and play a huge role a massive massive

Role in detoxification the role uh we we can’t detoxify without uh our liver that needs certain amino acids so that is what we’re going to have for dinner so incredibly easy I’m going to make this so easy salt pepper and a little bit of bone broth so I haven’t made my bone

Broth in a while but let me see where is my bone broth at so this bone broth is amazing the rly Rotty bone broth so I’m literally just going to add in a little bit of that some salt and pepper can we believe it’s the end of 2024 20 did I

2023 ially have my calendar back on my fridge it makes me so happy okay and those gelatinous cuts the gelatin is very rich in the amino acid glycine which specifically our liver needs to make bile and bile is really important for our hormone balance because we need

Bile to bind onto those excess hormones and get it out of the body and glycine is one of the most important amino acids that the liver needs in order to make bile and and do that okay so we’re going to look at that and that’s what I want

To see for that bone broth that wiggly jiggly bone broth wiggly jiggly I don’t know why that just makes me I don’t know if I like that pepper Gordon Ramsay taught me a lot of pepper put all this salt on there going to add a little bit

This Trader Joe’s Umami seasoning is so good it is amazing just going to add a little tiny bit to of that hi for 4 hours because this is a smaller one so we are going to kind of make like a little bit of an extra lunch day just

Because it’s rainy it’s cozy I want something warm and Hearty and I’ve just been sitting inside obviously all day doing actually I did get a little bit of walk-in earlier with Miser but that was before it really started downpouring but we are going to make like a little cozy

Chicken pot pie it just sounds so warm and comforting and it just sounded really good so that’s what we’re going to make we’re going to whip it up definitely could be a dinner but I already have the crock pot going which is also very cozy so we’re just going to

Be really cozy today so we’re going to start out with three cups of flour gluten-free flour by the way side I not I’m going to start I’m going to attempt to make gluten-free bread like sourdough bread not just like glutenfree bread sorry I should have said that I should

Have said that glutenfree sourdough I’m going to attempt to start making it so we’re going to see how that goes but anyway we have three cups of flour I’m following a recipe online it calls for two sticks of butter so in goes the butter Four there’s one thing that need in your kitchen it’s a chopper white face smile baking for the picture parents waiting in the driveway oh the daring Arizona why you packing up your suitcase hasn’t anybody told you my mom fire Dring oh My amen okay let’s try this oh my goodness I’ve never made a chicken pot pie before but I’ll tell you a rainy day it’s a good day to do that it reminds me of when I was a little girl I think we went to Marie Calendars this

Like brings back happy memories for me I’m obsessed I’m going to eat another serving of this dinner super simple side these are my famous potatoes I’m just calling them famous because they’re just so good we’re just going to do some golden potatoes and potatoes are super rich in potassium and potassium is a

Really hard mineral to get enough of every day we need 4,700 milligrams of potassium per day potatoes are a great way to get your potassium in because the skin and just potatoes in general but the skin really is really really high in potassium I’m just going to throw them

In some boiling water with some salt okay while dinner is being made I’m going to make my drink this is good because it feeds the biffo bacteria in your gut which is really important where is my stuff I’m going to do two for one I’m going to add the cranberry juice and

I’m also going to add in the chlorophyll so chlorophyll is great because it’s really rich in Copper and this is really important this is one of the things that really helped me to get pain-free periods because your liver needs copper to again just do what your liver does

Which is detoxify chlorophyll is awesome because it’s a very very rich source of copper and then of course the cranberry juice if you watch my 10 habits that I’m doing every single day uh this is one of those habits and get the cranberry juice in there because there’s something about

The red pigments that feed that certain bacteria so I’m going to make I think I still don’t even know where I’m going to make a little Drink how beautiful is the Swiss chard that I got from the farmers market Swiss Chard is actually really rich in potassium as Well Is this our first dinner in the house in for a couple I can’t even that’s how my brain is uh new we had is that bad that we can’t remember remember like 2 days ago yeah yumy I need some Elbow Room here kind of my I can’t eat

Like with T-Rex on the Swiss Chard is good with that garlic look at the colors in that thing really good I really like the Swiss Chard We just got back from a little walk in the rain it was more of a drizzle than the rain but it is time to make my mineral tea this is the best stuff ever if you’re struggling with painful periods I am telling you this combination is amazing and I’m

In in my ludal phase right now so I always make sure like I always try to have this regularly but I’ve been very out of routine because of moving three times in 3 months but we’re getting back into the routines and that made me think of today

Like I’m I’m trying so hard to do fiber anyway it’s fine it’s fine can’t do it all you know what I mean so slowly but surely we’re going to get back into everything this mineral tea is so good I’m going to start out with two tablespoon of

Nettle I literally was like is a cat it’s my husband singing in the shower so if you hear noises it’s B singing in the shower next thing we have oat straw oat straw is very rich in magnesium and magnesium as we know is very important for muscle relaxation so if you think about

That with your uterus just in general every single muscle in your body but it’s really important especially and very helpful for periods so now we’re doing red raspberry which is so amazing for Women’s Health red raspberry leaf this smells so good I love the smell of

It so I’m going to do two huge heaping tablespoons of that get a little bit more herbs in the bottom of that jar okay 3 tablespoons of everything honestly I don’t really measure this either I just kind of go for it this is a lot of tea though so you have to think

About that this is going to be like cups and Cups of Tea pour in your hot water fill it all the way to the top about 9 cups of boiling water it’s very important to let this steep overnight so that it really can the minerals can or

The well the minerals but yes but the tea that you’ll get the minerals that you’re really going to infuse it into the water and make sure that you’re getting a really really nutrient dense infusion so it’s important to let it Infuse overnight or at least for like 6 hours if you

Can okay yesterday was such a yummy day of each but I’m eats but I’m coming to tell you I’m so excited that I’m just like I’m coming at you with a giveaway this giveaway is from from element and they are going to give you an element branded Kettle this is the kettle that

They’re giving you wow that is I’m I’m so excited for one of you to win this and you’re also going to get the winter recipe guide from element it’s their hydration recipe guide so super amazing and then you’re also going to win the limited edition box this has all of the

Limited chocolate flavors that is the chocolate mint chocolate chai and chocolate raspberry they’re so incredibly delicious okay all you have to do to enter the giveaway is tell me in the comments even if you haven’t tried element yet and you want to try it what one recipe that you would make with

One of these so either the chocolate mint chocolate chai or the chocolate raspberry so good chocolate and raspberry is just like it’s unbelievable they’re all so good so any drink ideas and that way we can make them together and kind of get inspired so obviously I did my adaptogenic TR with the chai

Which was so it’s so delicious I cannot even put into words how good that it is but how amazing is this giveaway I am so excited what an amazing Kettle these are so good such fun limited edition flavors I love element so much and I am so

Excited that one of you is going to win Merry Christmas I love you so very much thank you so much for just hanging out with me this year and just my goodness the last few months have just been so incredibly wild and I just cannot say

Enough how much I appreciate you and how much I really am looking forward to this new upcoming year to 2024 and just being rejuvenated hopefully yet again and really just pouring out for you once again and creating amazing content and podcast emails everything I just feel

Very ready for it I’ve felt really like I’ve not had a lot to give I’m just so excited for this upcoming year and I hope that you have just a beautiful Christmas and New Year’s and I’m so excited for this giveaway and I hope you enjoyed these recipes literally that

Fata is so delicious words cannot explain how good it is with the feta and the basil in the eggs it just elevates it so much the chicken pot pie I’ve never actually made chicken pot pie before it just sounded really good and it was so good and I feel like too over

The years I wasn’t I I don’t really think about it very much very much anymore just because I’m like holding this box I’m like holding it but I don’t I don’t really think about it very much anymore with just you know binging and struggling with food because I just

Enjoy food now and I just eat and nourish my body but I was reflecting on it this past week and thinking about that and just thinking about you know how far I’ve come I saw a video online that really made me think about that and think about binge eating and think about

Just the struggle that food used to be in my life and how I I got to a point with binging that I just never thought I would even be able to enjoy food again and especially just around the holidays I just really want you to know that you

Are just free you’re free to enjoy your food and to not have it be associated with anything morally whatsoever you can just enjoy your food whatever it is whatever kind of food it is that there’s no such thing as good or bad food and really thinking about it through the

Lens of how am I eating the food and that is the most nourishing thing that you could ever do is actually instead of what I found focusing so much on the plate focusing on your heart and how really and I won’t get into all the studies that I’ve even been reading

Recently but it is amazing how powerful our minds really are I just want to say that you know if you are struggling with food or you’re just maybe struggling even with your body right now you know body image and looking in the mirror and maybe just not feeling uh you’re not

Feeling yourself or you’re just struggling and you don’t know why or you feel like you’re always fighting uh with your body and against your body I just want to say that you know you’re not alone and even this past year with all the health things and challenges that I

Have been through there was just moments where I was just so terrified to even work out and I mean I you’re just not alone you really are not alone and it’s really just not our fault either in the world that we live in with Hyper pal foods and then also just comparison and

Honestly just there’s so many things there’s so many things that can pull us down but I just hope that you find here a place where you can just be built up and that you can see that you can eat food and nourish your body aside even

From food aside from food I love making these kinds of videos because actually I just love to cook and I I love that and it’s funny because last thing I’ll say I get that my my speech but even when when I was younger you know I’d watch the

Food Network and I love to cook and that was before imagine that thinking about the time that you know you were just a kid and you looked in the mirror and you just looked at your outfit and you never looked at your body and like how beautiful that really is you always just

Come here and realize that you can enjoy your food and more importantly enjoy your life because life is more than food life is more than food Jesus said and that is just the truth we’re meant to enjoy food and we’re meant to enjoy what food brings foress company laughter

Sitting around the table sharing stories we’re meant to enjoy so much more than food but life is more than food and so I hope that you can remember that just this season and even as we go into this next year so I love you so much don’t

Forget to leave your comment and enter the giveaway what a fun awesome giveaway thank you element we all love you so much and I just love you and I hope you enjoyed this video if you did don’t forget to click thumbs up and there’s so much goodness to come in this upcoming

Year so okay I will see you in my next video Bye